How to Sell Courses Online and Make Over $100K (2022) - 2 minutes read

Not a minor detail when we must decide whether to promote digital products or physical products is to take into account that the commission rate of digital products are notoriously higher than the commissions that you can achieve for selling a physical product.

The reason is that a digital product does not have associated costs such as production, storage, and shipping.

Searching for business opportunities to earn money with digital marketing as an affiliate is very simple.

To do a search on Google, you just have to type in the search engine «affiliate + product» without the quotes. for example marketing + affiliate course. 

It can also be a physical product such as “electric screwdrivers + affiliates”, with this technique you will be able to find many affiliate programs with which you can earn a lot of money by applying effective digital marketing strategies applied to the promotion of affiliate products.

While it is true, registration to these affiliate networks is free, however, some affiliate programs require approval to start promoting and selling.

How to Sell Courses Online and Make Over $100K (2022)

Methods of promoting digital affiliate products

There are many ways to promote these affiliate products including free and paid methods.

Among the payment methods we have, pay per click (PPC), pay per view (PPV), interstitial traffic, mobile traffic, push traffic, etc.

With free methods, we can highlight organic traffic from search engines (it is one of the best), traffic with videos (excellent with high conversion rates), organic traffic with social networks, viral traffic (very effective), classified ads.

Source: BountyBlade