This is the most advanced and old therapy - 1 minute read

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Forest therapy: Nowadays most of the people have different types of ambitions. They have to make their work in a limited period of time. For achieving their goals they have to take too many efforts due to very high competition. For achieving their goal in their life in a limited period of time some times there is a possibility of having stress on their mind. ............................ Forest therapy

For having a stressless life, one is necessary to go for an outing. Selection of going to outing such as forest outing is one of the best ways of reducing stress on their mind. For reducing stress, forest therapy is one of the alternatives which is a somewhat different way of enjoying the forest........................forest therapy walk

In the forest, we get fresh air in the form of pure oxygen. For good health and a good mind, forest therapy is beneficial for all. It is very useful for good health. Due to forest outing, the genetic structure of the body gets active, which helps to get a healthy life. ...........................................forest therapy for