Bercow BLOCKS bid to choke off government money if they push for no deal Brexit - 2 minutes read

Bercow BLOCKS bid to choke off government money if they push for no deal Brexit

Speaker John Bercow has blocked a bid to choke off government cash if the next Prime Minister pushes for a no deal Brexit .

A cross-party group of MPs were planning to add an amendment blocking no deal to an ‘estimates’ motion - which provides cash to government departments.

The move would have stopped the Government being able to spend cash if it pushed for a no deal Brexit .

But amendments must be selected by the Commons Speaker before they can be debated and face a vote.

Speaker Bercow announced this afternoon that no amendments had been selected for today’s estimates motion.

The same amendment is also tabled to two further estimates motions on the Department for Work and Pensions and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government on Tuesday, with a decision on whether they can be voted upon expected before Tuesday's debates.

Boris Johnson has warned he would ensure Brexit happens "do or die" on October 31 if he's selected as the next Prime minister.

And he has suggested  he could simply ignore MPs who vote against No Deal to ram through his plan anyway.

That has sparked warnings of a full no-confidence vote in the government - backed by up to a dozen Tory MPs.

Source: Mirror

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Government of the United KingdomBrexitSpeaker of the House of Commons (United Kingdom)John BercowGovernment of the United KingdomPrime ministerBrexitMember of parliamentBill (law)Motion (parliamentary procedure)British government departmentsMotion (parliamentary procedure)BrexitSpeaker of the House of Commons (United Kingdom)SupermajorityJohn BercowAmend (motion)Motion (parliamentary procedure)Amend (motion)Motion (parliamentary procedure)Department for Work and PensionsDepartment for Communities and Local GovernmentBoris JohnsonBrexitDo or Die (Thirty Seconds to Mars song)Prime Minister of the United KingdomMember of parliamentMotion of no confidenceGovernment of the United KingdomTory