Issue #2019.07.22 – Kubeflow and Conferences, 2019 - 1 minute read

Issue #2019.07.22 - Kubeflow and Conferences, 2019 - Ubuntu Blog

Octave is a numerical computing environment largely compatible with MATLAB. As free software, Octave runs on GNU/Linux, macOS, BSD,…

Edge computing continues to gain momentum to help solve unique challenges across telco, media, transportation, logistics, agricultural and…

Canonical is happy to announce the availability of MAAS 2.6. This new release introduces a range of very exciting features and several…


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Ubuntu (operating system)BlogGNU OctaveNumerical analysisMATLABFree softwareGNU OctaveLinuxMacOSBerkeley Software DistributionEdge computingCanonical (company)