Top 5 Causes of New York Motor Vehicle Accidents - 3 minutes read

New York is one of the most populated states in the nation. It is the hub for trade and economy, making foot and transportation traffic a real problem. Unfortunately, the crowded roadways and large numbers of pedestrians also mean that there is ample opportunity for motor vehicle accidents.

Common Causes of Auto Collisions

Although some accidents are not preventable, you may be able to avoid a potential auto accident if you understand the leading causes that result in a collision. Below are 5 common causes of motor vehicle accidents in New York:

  1. Distractions. Distractions refer to any type of interruption that diverts the motorist’s attention while behind the wheel. This may include talking on a cell phone, checking email or texting, changing radio stations or dealing with children.
  2. Fatigue. Lack of sleep and drowsiness is a dangerous combination for any motorist while driving. When you are fatigued, sounds can become muted and traffic signs can inadvertently go unnoticed.
  3. Road conditions. Unsafe road and weather conditions are also major factors in most automobile accidents. The presence of any hazardous road condition, such as potholes, improper markings, and snow and ice, can present dangerous conditions that result in drivers losing control.
  4. Recklessness. Reckless or unsafe driving is a leading factor in causing auto accidents, especially on the busy roads and streets of New York. In busy metropolitan cities, every minute counts, meaning that motorists are more likely to speed while driving in order to make it to their destination on time.
  5. Driving under the influence. Driving impaired or under the influence of controlled substances (such as alcohol and drugs) can lead to a lack of judgment. This could eventually make the motorist lose control of his or her automobile, especially in busy road conditions, uneven curbs, and poor weather conditions. Impairment also results in delayed reaction, blurred vision and a decreased sense of hearing – all of which can result in catastrophic accidents.

Overall, safe driving is important, particularly in busy areas where thousands of people are constantly on the road. Nevertheless, if you are involved in an auto accident, it is imperative that you immediately seek medical attention and consult with an experienced attorney to protect your legal rights.

Call Us Today

The most important step in handling your car accident claim is to contact a law firm that can provide you with personalized attention. Each case has unique facts and circumstances that affect the strategy of pursuing your recovery. Our experienced New York Auto accident attorneys can assist you in obtaining medical treatment and processing a No-Fault claim in New York. Contact us today!