why understand artificial intelligence - 2 minutes read

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of algorithms that allow a machine to imitate human intelligence, to think and act like a human being. It is used across a wide range of sectors, including transportation, healthcare, energy, manufacturing, logistics, finance and commerce. The benefits of AI include automated processes and tasks, fewer human errors, increased productivity and operational efficiency. To get as close to human behavior as possible, AI needs a lot of data and a lot of processing capacity. The three components needed to enable AI to think and act like a human are machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. Current artificial intelligences are far from equaling human intelligence, but some researchers believe that the first so-called “strong” artificial intelligence (which would have the same intellectual capacities as a human being, as well as a consciousness of its own) could see the light of day as early as 2045 if research continues to progress at this rate. Understanding AI is important because it forms the basis of all IT learning and represents the future of complex decision-making processes. It is also a strategic imperative for any company wishing to increase efficiency, generate new revenue and build customer loyalty.