Most Common Violations Leading to NJ Probationary License Penalties - 3 minutes read

Obtaining a probationary license is an exciting milestone for many young drivers in New Jersey. However, with this privilege comes the responsibility of adhering to specific rules and regulations designed to promote safe driving habits. Unfortunately, violations can lead to severe penalties, including fines, mandatory courses, or even license suspension. In this blog post, we'll explore the most common violations that can result in NJ probationary license penalties for holders and how to avoid them.

1. Speeding

Speeding is one of the most common traffic violations, especially among new drivers. Exceeding the speed limit by even a small margin can result in a ticket and points on your driving record. For probationary drivers, accumulating points quickly can lead to more severe consequences, such as mandatory attendance in a Driver Improvement Program (DIP).

2. Distracted Driving

Texting or using a phone while driving is illegal for all drivers in New Jersey, but probationary drivers are under stricter scrutiny. Any form of distracted driving, including using a GPS without a hands-free device, can result in fines and points. It’s crucial for young drivers to stay focused on the road to avoid these penalties.

3. Driving with Too Many Passengers

New Jersey’s Graduated Driver License (GDL) program restricts the number of passengers a probationary driver can have in the vehicle. Typically, the driver can only have one passenger unless a parent or guardian is present. Violating this restriction can lead to fines and potential suspension of the probationary license.

4. Driving During Restricted Hours

Probationary drivers in New Jersey are not allowed to drive between 11:01 PM and 5:00 AM unless they meet specific exemptions, such as employment or religious activities. Getting caught driving during these hours without a valid reason can result in penalties, including fines and points on the license.

5. Seat Belt Violations

New Jersey law requires all passengers to wear seat belts, and probationary drivers are responsible for ensuring that everyone in the vehicle complies. Failing to ensure all passengers are buckled up can lead to fines and points against the driver's record.

6. Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense for any driver, but it carries even more severe consequences for probationary drivers. Even a small amount of alcohol can lead to DUI charges, which may result in substantial fines, mandatory educational programs, and license suspension.

7. Failure to Yield

Probationary drivers must be particularly cautious at intersections and when yielding to pedestrians. Failing to yield the right of way can result in accidents, which lead to traffic violations, points on the license, and increased insurance premiums.

By adhering to these tips and understanding the common violations that lead to penalties, probationary drivers can maintain a clean driving record and eventually transition to a full, unrestricted license. Remember, safe driving habits developed during the probationary period will benefit you for a lifetime.