Getting Started With a Low Carb Diet Plan - 4 minutes read

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The difficult part is basically gone once you've made the decision to lose weight and opted to pursue a low carb diet plan. All that's left for you to do now is get started. So, let's take a look at how your first few days on a low-carb diet might go.

The first day of your low carb diet plan should start with some bold selections. Of course, you first decide to reduce weight, and then you choose a low carb diet plan to help you achieve that goal. However, you must first decide which low-carb diet plan you will follow. The Atkins low carb diet plan, the South Beach low carb diet plan, and the Glycemic Index low carb diet plan are three of the most popular.

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The goal is to reduce your daily carbohydrate intake and actually lose some of the extra weight and fat that your body has been holding on to. So on day one, decide which low carb diet plan to follow and become familiar with how that low carb diet plan specifically works.

The second day of your low carb diet plan involves planning and preparation. You must first clean your cabinets, pantry, refrigerator, and freezer. Throw away or give away any high-carb, high-sugar foods that you won't eat with your low-carb diet plan. 

Most low carb diet plans do not allow you to eat certain foods for the first week or two, but you can gradually add them later. So, you may be ditching the foods you just ate, which are not excessively high in carbohydrates, but are not yet approved to start your low-carb diet plan. But don't despair, many of these foods will be added back in the next few weeks. 

Next, you want to make a list of what you will eat for at least the next week. Add meals, snacks, and liquids, then make a shopping list for all of these items. Lastly, you go to the store and buy all the foods on your list. 

By following these steps, you can immediately start the low carb diet plan of your choice and also follow the correct guidelines and instructions for that plan. 

By the third day of your low carb diet plan, you will really change your eating habits. You don't have to wait until that day to start your new low carb diet plan, but it can be helpful to start over at the beginning of a new day rather than starting in the middle of the day. When you start your new low carb diet plan at the beginning of a new day, instead of feeling like a spontaneous decision, you feel more committed to the plan. 

The third day is also a good day to cook. By preparing allowable foods at this initial stage of your low carb diet plan, you will ensure that you always have something good to eat that you can grab and go with. One of the biggest stumbling blocks to most low carb diet plans is that you have to cook the right foods for your particular plan. And if you haven't cooked something and made it when you want it, you're more likely to go off plan and sabotage your weight loss efforts. 

The next few days of your low carb diet plan may not be the best. You will crave sugar and starch, you may be tired and lethargic, and you may experience mild headaches or dizziness. These are all standard symptoms for starting a low carb diet as your body removes all the extra starches, sugars, and junk that have been storing for a while. Your body abstains due to the lack of sugar it is used to, and in those first few days of your low carb diet plan, having ready meals is more important as you have a higher risk of quitting smoking and making yourself feel uncomfortable.

However, when those few days of abstinence are over, chances are you'll be surprised at the results of a low-carb diet. You will have more energy, you won't feel as bloated, and you may even find that your clothes are already looser! 

Ready to try a low carb diet plan?

Click here to learn more about a fantastic Keto Meal Plan!