Kanbanly for Chrome 2.6.2 (Freeware) - 2 minutes read

Download Kanbanly for Chrome 2.6.2

We live in an era where we try to accomplish as much as possible in as little time as possible, unfortunately, this eventually leads to you either not having time to do everything you planned, or you do everything half-heartedly.

Another sign of our desire to increase efficiency is the need to create devices or software that are as lightweight and as multi-functional as possible.

Kanbanly is the result of combining these two aspects of our lives, as it is a task manager designed to increase your time management skills so that you can manage to keep track of all your current and future endeavors.

Kanbanly boasts a UI that is both easy-to-use and minimalist, making it easy for users of all experience levels to figure out how it works.

Once you press the extension's button, a new tab will open showing you four empty columns. Pressing any of the columns will open a wizard-like window where you will be able to create different tasks.

Telling them apart is made since you can label them, change their colors or tag them with small icons that signify their current progress and priority.

If you are the busy type, it goes without saying that your Kanbanly tab will probably fill up in no time. Searching through all those notes can be a tedious task, but fortunately for you, the extension lets you add keywords to each task, making them easier to identify in the crowd.

More so, similar to alarm apps, Kanbanly lets you specify a reminder interval, and the amount of time before a task's deadline when it should start the alarm.

Once a task has been completed or has been canceled, you can then change the label, and opt to delete it, or still keep it for future reference.

Kanbanly is a lightweight Google Chrome extension that does exactly what it promises, and the sheer amount of task note customization options make it a versatile and adaptable app, while still being accessible for beginner users.

Source: Softpedia.com

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Graphical user interfaceSoftwareFunction modelTask Manager (Windows)Time managementUser interfaceUsabilityMinimalismUser (computing)Button (computing)Tab (GUI)Magic (paranormal)Tab (GUI)Search engine optimizationApplication softwareGoogle Chrome extensionApplication software