The Beginning Of Truth - 3 minutes read

I would like to start out by stating that every individual has been granted the gift of free will and has never been forced to believe anything that he or she chooses not to believe. And this is truly a gift.

Truth is one of the most enduring and constant attributes instilled in an individual at the moment of ones conception. It is a guiding force throughout ones life in so many ways, starting with the knowledge of what is right and what is wrong. We are constantly relying on certain truths to guide us and to help us to make the right choices and decisions in our lives.

When the Good Lord adds truth to our makeup when we are conceived it is of a supernatural essence. God is supernatural, while I am natural. Therefore something that is of supernatural origin cannot be fully explained in human terms. It just is... and I believe on this, by way of exercising my faith. Mankind continues to figure out so many things in life with his extraordinary intellect, but God is still the only Being that he can never reduce to any type of mathematical or scientific formula. And again that is because natural man cannot fully explain the supernatural.

So the starting point of truth in our lives begins at our birth as we begin to grow and develop into the natural human beings that He has created. We inherently know right from wrong, good from bad, and the truth from a lie.

Unfortunately, as we continue to grow from the innocence of childhood into young adulthood, our minds become exposed to many influences in life that are not always leading us in the right direction. Through our own choosing we can begin to exchange the truth for a lie. It is at that point that our wrong choices can begin to create problems for us. But the good news, that I have found, is that I can always change from believing in a lie, to believing in what is good for me. And that is the way that I recover, so to speak, from my wrong choices that are making my life difficult in some way.

As we continue to grow in our lives, through the teen years into maturation as young adults in our twenties, then into our thirties, we can always rely on what has been instilled in us to help us make the right choices. From childhood friends and the grade school years, into our first romantic relationships in high school, then onto our first jobs and continued education in college, we are always being guided by our internal voice. It will always speak to us when we stop and pause to listen to it. And that my friend is what I believe is the truth in all of us.