Sarvangasana benefits for brain: Steps, Benefits, and Precautions - 6 minutes read

SARVANGASANA BENEFITS FOR BRAIN Today's lifestyle has become something like that, whether children or young people, all have become victims of weak memory power. The main reasons for weak memory power are food and unnecessary digital gadgets. During exam time, children do not remember the answers and the youngsters forget about keeping small things. So, the question is how to increase our memory power. My answer is the practice of continuous and advanced yoga. Today I will teach you an advanced yoga pose that will especially increase your brainpower. The name of this pose is Sarvangasana. Today we will discuss the steps, benefits, and Precautions of Sarvangasana. Our main focus is on Sarvangasana benefits for the brain . SARVANGASANA- Hindi meaning- सर्वांगासन It is composed of two words It is also known as Shoulder Stand poses in English. It is an inverted pose yoga. In this pose, we lift our legs upwards and the whole weight of our body is concentrated on our shoulders. HOW TO DO SARVANGASANA (STEPS)- 2) 3) Steps- 1) First, spread the mat on a flat area. Lie on your back on the mat. 2) Both your legs should be adjacent to each other, and both your hands should be placed near to thighs. 3) Now place both your palms on the ground as shown in the picture. Your face should be skyward and your body should be relaxed. 4) Take a deep breath. Press your palms to the ground and lift your legs up. 5) Your feet should be straight towards the sky, do not bend them. 6) Now raise your waist with the help of your hands. Your body posture should be 90 degrees from the ground. 7) Your elbows should be on the ground and you support the waist with your hands. 8) All body parts except your neck and head should be in the air. 9) Keep in mind that the entire weight of your body should be on the shoulder. The shape of your body should look like L. 10) Most important you should keep breathing. 11) Now you pull your leg upwards and remain in this state for at least 20 seconds. Follow up poses- 2) 3) HEADSTAND BEGINNERS TIPS- In the initial days, the biggest problem is in lifting your legs up. For this, you can use the wall. In the initial days, with the help of the wall, you will raise your legs. For this, you lie near the wall and hang your feet on the wall and try to lift your legs. After practicing slowly, you will lift your legs without a wall. DURATION- 1) Beginners Should do this for at least 30 seconds 2) For Intermediate Duration will be 60 seconds 3) For Expert Duration will be more than 120 seconds 1) HALF SHOULDER STAND POSE- In this, we do not completely lift our legs up. We lift our legs up to 60 degrees and support our waist with the help of our hands. 2) ONE-LEGGED SHOULDERSTAND POSE HANDS ON BACK- This most typical variation of the shoulder stand. In this, we are incomplete positions but we place one leg on the ground behind our head. 3) SHOULDERSTAND POSE WIDE LEGS- In this variation, we lift our legs and support our waist with our palms. But when we are in the top position we spread our legs wide. SARVANGASANA BENEFITS- 1) This yoga pose is very beneficial for our hair As blood is continuously flowing towards our head so the strength of our hair increases. 2) Sarvangasana improves the glow of the skin. This yoga detoxes our blood so the problem of acne, and pimples gets cured. 3) This yoga helps to reduce our fat. This yoga improves our metabolism and which slowly results in reducing our extra fat. 4) In the case of digestive problems, this yoga is a panacea. 5) This pose helps to cure thyroid diseases. 6) This yoga improves the concentration and memory power of all ages people. 7) Sarvangasana improves the vision of the eye and also cures eye-related problems. 8) This yoga pose increases our immune system as it detoxes our blood so the immune system increases. 9) By doing a shoulder stand pose in the morning, we get energy for all day and we feel refreshed. 10) This yoga also anti-ages our skin. SARVANGASANA PRECAUTIONS- 1) While doing this asana, the weight of your entire body should be on your shoulder. 2) You have to support your waist with your palms, if you make a mistake in giving support, then you can get hurt in the waist. 3) Your chin should be attached to your chest while posing. 4) A person who has the below diseases should avoid Sarvangasana 5) Pregnant women 5) Do not put extra strain on your body while posing Sarvangasana. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS RELATED TO SARVANGASANA - Q1) IS SARVANGASANA GOOD FOR BRAIN? Ans - Yes, this yoga pose is very good for your brain. By doing this yoga asana, your headache gets cured . Q2) WHICH YOGA IS BEST FOR BRAIN HEALTH? Ans - Balasana, Sarvangasana, and Pachimottanasana are the best yoga poses for the brain. Q3) WHAT ARE THE 2 BENEFITS OF SARVANGASANA? Ans - By doing Sarvangasana, your body's flexibility increases. Q4) WHICH PRANAYAM IS BEST FOR THE BRAIN? Ans - Bhramari pranayama is considered to be the best for the brain. Q5) HOW CAN I GET SUPER BRAIN POWER? Ans - By practicing yoga and following good habits, you can get super brain power. Q6) WHAT IS THE IDEAL DURATION FOR SARVANGASANA? Ans - You can do this pose in the morning for 30 to 40 seconds. Q7) CAN SARVANGASANA BE DONE DAILY? Ans - Yes, you can practice Sarvangasan Yoga daily. Q8) WHAT IS THE KING OF ALL ASANAS? Ans - Sarvasana is considered the king of all asanas. CONCLUSION OF SARVANGASANA BENEFITS FOR THE BRAIN- Sarvangasana is called the mother of all yoga poses because this yoga gives some benefit to the body in some way. This yoga solves the weak memory power of children, the concentration of youth, and the skin-related problems of women. In today's guide, I have covered the steps and benefits of Sarvangasana. I also covered Sarvangasana benefits for the brain.