Non-Surgical Breast Encapsulation Treatment in Florida: An Ultimate Guide - 4 minutes read

Several individuals are attracted to the idea of having a breast implant but are usually turned off by the idea of surgery. However, they shouldn’t be anymore. You can now enjoy the non-surgical breast encapsulation treatment in Florida. This is a much safer, better, and more effective treatment as compared to the invasive procedure for breast enhancement treatment.

In this guide, let’s discuss some of the top benefits of choosing non-surgical capsular contracture treatment in Florida.

What is a Non-Surgical Breast Encapsulation Treatment?

Non-surgical breast encapsulation treatment in Florida is one of the best treatments for the formation of capsular contracture after breast augmentation surgery. The entire procedure involves fat transfer.

Fat transfer requires the gentle preservation of fat, which is done by extracting fat from disturbing parts of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, and other parts. Later, such fat is washed, cleaned, and filtered to be injected into the breasts layer by layer. All this helps enhance the shape of the breast and boost self-confidence and morale.

Advantages of Non-Invasive Capsular Contracture Treatment in Florida

Fat transfer provides two main benefits. It removes unwanted fat from disturbing places that cannot be removed through exercise and dieting. Furthermore, it contours the abdominal areas and gives you a slim and trim look without making much effort.

Another benefit is that it enhances the overall appearance of your breast. The changes are subtle, but you can experience the lift in your breast. Let’s check out some merits of non-surgical breast encapsulation treatment for capsular contracture treatment in Florida, such as:

●    Lower the risk of complications

●    Minimise scarring

●    Fast recovery

●    Retain breast sensitivity

●    Provide natural feel


Exercises to Prevent Capsular Contracture After Treatment


To prevent the development of stiffness and capsular contracture after treatment, you should try out certain exercises that help improve the mobility and flexibility around your breasts.

Let’s have a look!

Chest stretch:

You can try this chest stretch to prevent capsular contracture after your treatment by performing it gently.

●    Firstly, you need to stand up straight

●    Then, place your arms at your side

●    Slowly place your arms at the back

●    Afterwards, aim to touch your hands together

●    Try to do it repetitively

Shoulder Raise:

A shoulder raise is one of the best ways to improve the mobility around your shoulders, enhance the movement, and offer better stability.

●    Start by putting your fingertips on your shoulders

●    Raise both elbows to the side

●    Move the elbow forward in a circular movement

●    Aim to get your elbows to the shoulder level

●    Do repeat the whole process at least five times

Medical Breast Implant Exercise:

You must be thinking about how to perform the medical breast implant exercise after your treatment. Then, you can follow the given steps to make it work for you.

●    Start by covering the breast implant with a cupped hand.

●    Your implant should be moved towards your midline.

●    The implant should be slid outward.

●    Put the breast implant back in its original position.

●    Then you should repeat on the other breast.


Upward Breast Implant Exercise:

You can perform this exercise by following the given steps, such as:

●    Initiate by placing your thumb and forefingers on the crease of the lower breast

●    Then, firmly grip the breast implants with both hands

●    Gently squeeze your forefingers and thumb to apply gentle pressure on the implants

●    Allows it to slide into the upper side of the surgical pockets

●    Continue this process by pushing the implants upwards towards the collarbone

●    Then, firmly press the top of the breast implants in a downward position to return them to their original position.


To conclude, non-surgical breast encapsulation treatment in Florida is one of the best options for women to treat the problem of capsular contracture. Generally, this procedure is being avoided by slim women as they don’t have the required fat deposits to get it extracted and transferred to the breast.

If you’re experiencing any issues regarding capsular contracture, then you can considering taking the suggestions from aspenaftersurgery. It’s time for you to consult them and non-surgical breast encapsulation treatment in Florida from experts!