Colored lash extensions - 1 minute read

Colored lash extensions are a type of artificial eyelash that come in a variety of hues and are applied to the natural lashes. They can be used to create a bold and dramatic look, or to add a subtle pop of color to the eyes.

The process of applying colored lash extensions is similar to that of traditional lash extensions. A technician will use tweezers to individually attach each extension to a natural lash using a special adhesive. The extensions can be applied in various lengths, thicknesses, and colors to achieve the desired look.

Colored lash extensions typically last between 2-4 weeks, depending on the individual's natural lash growth cycle and the care taken to maintain them. It is important to avoid rubbing or pulling on the extensions and to avoid using oil-based products on or around the eyes, as these can cause the extensions to fall out prematurely.

While colored lash extensions can be a fun way to experiment with different looks, it is important to choose a reputable technician who is trained in proper application techniques to avoid any potential damage to the natural lashes.