Healthy Vegan Tempeh Bacon Recipe (8 Ingredients) - 4 minutes read

Tempeh Bacon

Vegan substitutes are not exactly cheap, so the idea is to make them at home; they are usually healthier, and we know what we are eating. These foods are not to be eaten often, but to indulge ourselves from time to time. Many people make the mistake of trying to eat the same as when they were not vegan but in a 100% vegetable version. If regular bacon is not healthy food, the vegan version is not (although it is 1,000 times healthier and lighter).

Also Read: Best Classic Vegan Cobb Salad With Dressing (Healthy!)

I had seen several substitutes for bacon, some based on coconut, vegetables or soy, but the tempeh one was the one that caught my attention, and the truth is that the flavour is quite successful.

The tempeh that I used is purchased, I have not dared to make it at home because I consume it so sporadically that it is not worth the hassle; in fact, it is the second time I use it, I have eaten it in some vegan restaurants, but I only had it used to make these delicious vegan meatballs.

Also Read: Vegan Mayonnaise (Rich, Thick and Creamy!)

Tempeh Bacon

The recipe couldn't be more straightforward; you have to cut the tempeh into slices as thin as possible without breaking it, mix the ingredients for the mash in a bowl and add the tempeh slices to soak them. Finally, you have to fry the tempeh, although I suppose it will also be good if you bake it, I have not tried it.

Also Read: Vegan Russian Salad With Vegan Mayonnaise

Tempeh Bacon

I leave the fried ones when I eat away from home and for special occasions; there are healthier and lighter cooking methods, and I am already used to them, so I like them better in general. To fry, the ideal is to use extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil because they withstand heat better and, of course, eliminate refined oils from your kitchen.

Tempeh Bacon

The ingredients for the mash are relatively easy to find. You need agave syrup (or any other liquid sweetener), soy or tamari sauce, extra virgin olive oil (although you can use another unrefined oil), hot sauce, ground cumin, black pepper and smoke aroma. Also Read: Favourite Quinoa Salad Recipe

I recommend that you try the macerate to adjust the flavours and rectify them to your liking.

You can use any sauce that spicy; I bought one called red hot sauce, but tabasco can work as well, or you can even add cayenne powder.

The smoke aroma is what gives the bacon flavour, so it is an essential ingredient. You can use it in a liquid or powder version like me. If you can't find it, you can use barbecue sauce, although you may add more because the flavour is less intense. 

Also Read: 9 Best Vegan Salad Recipes

Tempeh Bacon

I used the healthy vegan tempeh bacon recipe (8 ingredients) to make the delicious vegan Cobb salad that you can see in the photo below. Still, it has a thousand possible uses, the same as traditional bacon.If you prepare the healthy vegan tempeh bacon recipe (8 ingredients), please leave a comment or share a photo with us with the hashtag #DanceofStoves on Instagram or any other social network. We are looking forward to seeing your photos!

Vegan Cobb Salad with Tempeh Bacon

Healthy Vegan Tempeh Bacon Recipe (8 Ingredients)

Tempeh Bacon

  • Healthy vegan tempeh bacon recipe (8 ingredients) tastes very similar to regular bacon and is much healthier and lighter. It is ready in less than 15 minutes and is very easy to prepare.Author: Dance of Stoves
  • Preparation: 10 mins
  • Cook: 5 mins
  • Total: 15 minutes
  • Cuisine: Vegan, Gluten-Free

Ingredients SCALE (1x)

  • 250 g tempeh (8 oz)
  • One tablespoon of tamari or soy sauce
  • One tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil + extra oil to fry the bacon
  • One tablespoon maple or agave syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon hot sauce or 1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika
  • Two teaspoons smoke aroma (liquid or powder), optional
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • Black pepper and salt to taste

Ingredients SCALE (2x)

  • 500 g tempeh (16 oz)
  • Two tablespoons of tamari or soy sauce
  • Two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil + extra oil to fry the bacon
  • Two tablespoon maple or agave syrup
  • One teaspoon hot sauce or 1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika
  • Four teaspoons smoke aroma (liquid or powder), optional
  • One teaspoon ground cumin
  • Black pepper and salt to taste

Ingredients SCALE (3x)

  • 750 g tempeh (24 oz)
  • Three tablespoons of tamari or soy sauce
  • Three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil + extra oil to fry the bacon
  • Three tablespoon maple or agave syrup
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon hot sauce or 1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika
  • Six teaspoons smoke aroma (liquid or powder), optional
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • Black pepper and salt to taste


  1. Cut the tempeh into slices as thinly as possible without breaking them.
  2. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients except the salt. Add the sheets of tempeh and marinate them for 1 or 2 minutes so that they impregnate well.
  3. In a frying pan, add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, and when it is boiling, add the strips of tempeh. Let them brown on both sides and remove them to a plate with kitchen paper to absorb the excess oil. Sprinkle with salt to taste.
  4. You can eat the bacon fresh or cold.


Recipe adapted from Healthy Happy Life.