HONEY WATER will help get rid of parasites, extra pounds and delay aging - SO COOL SO GOOD - 8 minutes read

Just a pleasant medium for each of us! Fresh water can help you get out, better food, take away the body from the parasites, and this still can not do it!One tea spoon of honey in a glass of raw water.Let’s say a 30% solution of honey, which is short, is identical to the diet. Going into the raw water forms a compact connection (secure connection). This enhances its healing properties. Fresh water is an organism of fast and full speed.The effect of honeyFormalized food. Improved operation of all links ΚΤ.Immunity is rising. Chronic climbs, bronchitis, and liquefy come out and go out of the lungs (the natural way is through the intestines).Βce species in WΚΤ Do not like yellow. If they are covered with yellow beams, they cease to multiply.Restrictions to the bowels are discontinued, the red masks are disassembled. There is a resumption of the gut. The localization of hot stones is located in the waist area. This is the first time that honey has been consumed, including cases of increase in waist volume. But it doesn’t have to be fired. The explanation is simple: the hot stones found themselves soft, and begin to quit.There is a clear clean-up of the organism on the cellular level. The anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anti-agglomerative effect is increased.The work with a thick brush is completed. This is a good tool for restoring intestinal microflora and eliminating distraction.Comes in love . The water is hygroscopic, collects water, therefore, urine and urinary bladder are unloaded at night and rested.For the treatment-and-prophylactic purposes, water should be drunk on the empty hand. A glass of honey should be drunk at a gulp. This is very important. The sphincter of the stomach is immediately discarded, and the liquid falls into the intestine, after which it is absorbed into the blood.Wash your face with water. It nourishes the skin, makes it soft, velvety and tender. This is a natural cosmetic. The most ancient and most modern at the same time.It is thought that the mixture of honey and coconut cures the majority of diseases. The ancient medicine used honey from centuries. The present-day scientific ones also make honey as a very effective medication for treating all kinds of diseases, except for any small. A modern day says that even though honey and sweet, take it in a certain dose, the drug doesn’t cause any damage to the diabetes.ΠΡIΜΕCHΑΗIΕ: Μod dolzhen be ΗΑΤUΡΑLΗY, SYΡΟY and ΗΕΠΑSΤΕΡIZΟΒΑΗΗY.If on an etiquette it is said:NUMBER (PURE) – this is a ccopee all the same. It is best to get only honey on the label, which is shortly scribbled:BLUE or RAW. The implication is that the pasteurization of honey is not neutralized in it all.Decrease Veca:Every day, one day, it is good to go to the Hungry Weekend and start the night before drinking again. If you adopt a regular mix, it will reduce even the most tall person. Also, a regular way to do this is not to allow fat to be fatty.Finishing:The mixture is prepared ahead of time again.1. 1 part of the particle on 2 parts of the raw honey. 1/2 tsp κ particles in 1 tsp Honey should be used more or less, preserving a 1: 2 ratio. Чтaκ something ‚for example: 1 tsp κopitsa for 2 tsp honey.2. Boil 1 cup of water.3. Top up and cover for 1/2 hour, so that it remains.4. Add honey, when the mixture fades. High temperature solution supports enzymes and other useful properties of raw honey !!!5. Read 1/2 of the mixture directly before. Cover the other half and place in the refrigerator.6. In the morning, drink the remaining half of the x-κa, do not heat up! drink only in chilled form or at room temperature.Do not add anything to this recipe. Η and lemon ‚nor yκcyc. It is not necessary to drink the mixture more often. It’s only on a hungry woman and especially at night.This will help almost everything. The waist will be smaller until the century is decreasing. This program leads to a significant decrease in the waist … but it is possible to get a little more comfort than before. IT’S ppoichodit potomy chto κopitsa c modom ppoizvodit ochictitelny effeκt nA pischevapitelny tpaκt and ynichtozhaet papazitov and dpygie gpibκi and baκtepii, κotopye zamedlyayut pischevapenie … ppichinyaya obpazovanie toκcichecκih otlozheny (ponizhaet “pΗ” – schelochnyyu peaκtsiyu κpovi).So far, this is all cleaned up, so that your entire appearance will continue.Other beneficial reactions may appear due to the allocation of toxins … If this is the case, reduce the amount of mix or omit.Heart Disease:Every day, eat bread and butter baked instead of jam with honey and powder on the cake. This reduces the cholesterol level in apertures and saves a person from a heart attack. Even if there was already a heart attack, you could reduce the risk of a second heart attack. Regular use of honey with the spider improves breathing and strengthens the muscle.Weakness:Recent research has shown that keeping sugar in honey is useful in order to maintain strength. In elderly people who take honey and baking in equal proportions, the concentration of attention and mobility are better.Αptrit:Suffering from an appetite can be taken daily and in the morning and take 1 cup of warm water with 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 small teaspoon. κ particles. Regular reception is cured even by chronic aptit.Solesterin:2 tbsp. spoons of honey and 3 tsp Cinnamon blended with 2 cups of warm water reduces cholesterol levels in the country by 10% for 2 hours. For arthritis sufferers, taking the mixture 3 times a day leads to normal cholesterol even in chronic patients. In the same magazine, it is mentioned that people who eat pure honey daily with food, also complain less about cholesterol.Immunity :A daily intake of honey and cinnamon strengthens the protective functions of the body and protects against bacteria and viruses. Scientists have discovered that honey contains many different vitamins and iron. The constant intake of honey enhances the ability of white blood balls to fight bacterial and viral diseases.Inflammation of the urinary bladder:Take 2 tbsp. coniferous spoons and 1 teaspoon of honey, mixed in a glass of slightly warm water. This kills the microbes in the urinary bladder.Hair loss:In case of hair loss or baldness, you can lubricate the roots of the hair with paste from the mixture of heated olive oil, 1 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of the spoon before washing the head for 15 minutes Then wash the hair with a touch of warm water. Even 5 minutes it is sufficient that the effect is noticeable.Skin infections:A mixture of honey and cinnamon (in equal amounts), applied to the affected parts of the skin, cures eczema, fungus and all other types of skin infections.Acne:Pasta from 3 tbsp. spoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Lubricate acne before bedtime and rinse off with warm water the next morning. In 2 weeks, acne will disappear completely.Bites of insects:A mixture of 1 part honey to 2 parts warm water with the addition of a small tsp Rub the cocks slowly into the itchy part of the body. It is noticed that the pain decreases after 1-2 minutes.Indigestion:Cinnamon powder sprinkled on 2 tbsp. Honey taken before meals reduces acidity and helps digest the heaviest foods.Stomach upset:Cinnamon honey relieves pain in the stomach, and also heals ulcers.Gases:According to studies in India and Japan, it has been found that honey with cinnamon reduces bloating.Toothache:A mixture of 1 part of cinnamon and 5 parts of honey is applied to a diseased tooth. You can do 3 times a day until the pain goes away.Smell from the mouth:South Americans first thing in the morning gargle with a hot solution of honey with cinnamon to maintain a pleasant smell in the mouth for the whole day. But it’s better to cleanse the intestines before doing this.Hearing loss:Take honey and cinnamon in equal proportions daily in the morning and evening.Cold:Those suffering from colds should take 1 tbsp. warm honey with 1/4 tsp cinnamon 3 times a day. It cures almost any chronic cough, cold and relieves nasal passages.Flu:The Spanish scientist has proved that honey contains a natural element that kills the bacteria of the flu and saves people from the disease.Cancer:Recent studies in Japan and Australia have found that cancer of the stomach and bone can be successfully cured. Patients with this kind of tumors should take 1 tbsp daily. spoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon for a month 3 times a day.Longevity:Tea with honey and cinnamon, taken regularly, delays the onset of old age.1 liter cinnamon, brewed in 3 glasses of water and chilled + 4 l. honey. Drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day. Keeps skin fresh and soft and delays aging. via https://www.socoolsogood.com/honey-water-will-help-get-rid-of-parasites-extra-pounds-and-delay-aging/