From Vinegar to Essential Oils: The Best Homemade Cleaners for Different Types of Laminate Floors - 3 minutes read

Laminate floors are a popular and affordable choice for many homes, but they can be difficult to clean. Store-bought cleaners can be expensive and contain harsh chemicals that may damage your flooring or leave behind an unpleasant smell. You need a better way to keep your laminate floors looking beautiful without breaking the bank. 

This quick guide from The King Live on homemade laminate floor cleaner, you'll have all the information you need to make effective cleaning solutions from natural ingredients like vinegar and essential oils. Get sparkling results every time with these DIY recipes!

DIY Laminate Floor Cleaner Benefits

A DIY laminate floor cleaner offers numerous benefits for homeowners who want to keep their floors looking beautiful and free from dirt, dust, and grime. Not only are homemade cleaners more affordable than store-bought options, but they also typically contain fewer harsh chemicals that can damage your flooring over time. 

  • Cost-saving

Making your own cleaning solution costs significantly less than buying ready-made products at the store—especially if you already have some of the ingredients in your pantry or medicine cabinet. And while it may take a bit longer to make these solutions yourself, this extra effort pays off when you see how much money you save each month on cleaning supplies!

  • Safer

Another benefit of making your own laminate floor cleaner is that it often contains fewer potentially harmful chemicals than commercial varieties. This means that even though your floors will be sparkling clean after use, there won’t be any worry about leaving behind residue that may damage the surface.

  • Anti-bacterial

Finally, DIY laminate floor cleaners often make use of natural ingredients like vinegar and essential oils, which can have additional benefits such as being anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. This means that not only will your floors be spotless, but they’ll also be free from germs and bacteria.

Making Homemade Laminate Floor Cleaner

Using natural ingredients like vinegar and essential oils can make cleaning laminate floors more manageable. Vinegar is a great multipurpose cleaner that can effectively remove dirt, grime and even stubborn stains from laminate floors. To make a potent cleaning solution, mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle, and spray the solution on your laminate flooring, then mop or wipe with a microfiber cloth.

  • Essential oils

Essential oils like tea tree or eucalyptus oil can also be a great addition to homemade laminate floor cleaner. These oils have antibacterial properties that can help maintain the hygiene of your flooring. Adding a few drops of these oils to your vinegar cleaner can enhance its odor-neutralizing effects and create a refreshing scent.

  • Baking soda

It is a natural abrasive that is great for removing scuff marks, grime and tough stains. To make a baking soda solution, mix one tablespoon of baking soda with two cups of warm water and mop your laminate floors with it. This solution can also be used to spot-clean small areas.

  • Lemon juice

It has a natural acidity that acts as a mild bleaching agent which can remove stains and brighten up your laminate floors. To make a solution using lemon juice, mix equal parts of lemon juice and water, and spray it on your laminate flooring. Afterwards, wipe with a microfiber cloth or mop.

In conclusion, using natural ingredients like vinegar, essential oils, baking soda and lemon juice can keep your laminate floors clean and shiny without harsh chemicals. It can also be more affordable compared to store-bought cleaners. A Diy laminate floor cleaner is not only gentle on your floors but also environment-friendly.