How can I loss belly fat without going to the gym or dieting? - 2 minutes read

Do the following.

1. Drink coffee

Coffee = weight loss. Is this the best news ever? A study by the School of Medicine at the University of Nottingham discovered that coffee stimulates 'brown fat' in our bodies, burning sugar and fat to produce body heat. So sipping on your morning Americano is actually good for you and will help keep that tum trim.

2. Moderate some vegetables - really!

Legumes, beans and cruciferous vegetables (the likes of cabbage, cauliflower and brussel sprouts) are all highly nutritious and should certainly feature in your diet however, if you're not used to them, they can unfortunately cause you to become gassy. The best way to introduce them? Slowly. Give your body time to adjust to these types of carbohydrates.

3. Try a juice cleanse

If you're looking to feel great on the inside, try a juice cleanse. They help to debloat, reset your body and recharge your energy levels. If a juice cleanse isn't for you, try a juice and soup cleanse combined - packed with nutrient dense superfoods, the Press London version includes 4 juices and 2 soups per day, to keep you feeling full and fantastic.

3. Get enough sleep

It's true - lack of sleep does contribute to weight gain, so make sure you get your full eight hours a night. When our bodies don't get enough sleep

, cortisol (the stress hormone) levels increase, which tells your body to save energy and get you through the day.

4. Hit maximum chill

First things first, chill out. When you're feeling frazzled, your body produces more of the stress hormone which has a negative effect on your digestive system – leaving you feeling and looking bloated plus, possibly, constipated.

Try and relax whenever you can; even if it's for a few minutes a day, try listening to a meditation podcast, doing a few yoga poses or zoning out in front of the TV.

5. Take a bath

Get that chill time in with a bath – not just your normal bath bomb scented affair but one with Epsom Salts instead.

Best Ways To Lose Weight