Pesto Tuscan Kale Salad - 2 minutes read

Pesto Tuscan Kale Salad

This kale salad is made with Tuscan kale massaged with pesto and topped with chicken, blue cheese, and parmesan. It made a quick lunch and will hold up in the fridge for a second meal. 

I am hoping to share more real life meals as mini recipes with you guys. Mini recipes and how-tos – like in the old KERF days. Somewhere along the way (in the past twelve years –ha!) I adopted the mindset that a post needed 15 perfectly styled photos to be ‘legit’ recipe post. That’s hogwash! If I inspire one person’s lunch menu I can rest my hat.

This kale salad came together in minutes thanks to ingredients I had on hand: pre-chopped Tuscan kale, pesto in a jar, and leftover smoked chicken. Of course you could make your own pesto or use any protein you had in your fridge – from hard-boiled eggs to salmon to tofu.

Sometimes just a little of something fancy elevates the whole dish. A few ingredients that are always worth it: lemon zest, fresh herbs, salt blends, and good olive oil. I used , a little lemon zest and a squeeze of juice, a little chopped fresh dill, a special salt from Feast and a Lemon olive oil from Oliva.

With pesto, a drizzle of oil, lemon and zest, and a sprinkle of salt.

Warm chicken + a little blue cheese + parmesan (double cheese, but it’s good!) If you have time to make homemade croutons – DO IT. Sprinkle in fresh dill.


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PestoLacinato kaleSaladSaladLacinato kalePestoChickenBlue cheeseParmigiano-ReggianoLunchRefrigeratorSawSaladLacinato kalePestoLeftoversChicken as foodMain coursePestoProtein (nutrient)RefrigeratorBoiled eggSalmon as foodTofuWhole grainDish (food)IngredientZest (ingredient)HerbSaltOlive oilZest (ingredient)JuiceDillSaltLemonOlive oilPestoDrizzleLemonZest (ingredient)SaltChickenBlue cheeseParmigiano-ReggianoCroutonDill