3 Tips To Healthy Living & wellness Goals - 3 minutes read

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   3 Tips to Healthy Living and Wellness Goals




Spring is a great time to get started on your health and wellness goals like moving around more and losing your that extra pounds. Just take it from Merissa Rose . Like so many of us, Rose felt it has gone uncontrollable, her weight loss efforts and

Felt helpless. "Finally I gave up and resorted to being a less fortunate failure," Once said Marissa.


That was until, it was time to prepare for her neice’s wedding. That became the life changing step all by itself and she was a new person in three months. Today, thanks to the help of controlled Nutrisystem, Marissa has lost almost 53 pounds and feels light and smart ,better now than she has been for last decade. "Now I feel younger, move smart and sleep better " she says. Using these three simple tips, you can be on your way to a happier, healthier you this spring and beyond:


1.Have a schedule For Eating.

Keeping a consistent eating schedule is good for your overall health. According to Cambridge University Press, one study report states that the people who ate at irregular times develop higher blood sugar and cholesterol levels than those who ate on a fixed scheduled time each day.


"It needs careful control to live a healthy lifestyle. But when you get yourself in the right routine, it will become second nature," says Courtney McCormick, MPH, RDN, LDN, Manager, Clinical Research & Nutrition at Nutrisystem. "So commit to the goal

 and embrace the routine. Set an exercise schedule, plan your meals, get enough sleep. That’s it.



2. Avoid Over Eating


Rinse and repeat the no.1. The more you transform your lifestyle with healthy habits, the easier it becomes. "Control your portions. For many of us, overeating is not caused by eating too often but by consuming too much food at one time. That’s why choosing portion-controlled meals is very important.


When our appetites are satisfied, our digestive tract sends a signal to the brain to tell us we can stop eating. However, there is a lag between the time that we’ve had enough food and when our brain receives the signal. Get moving.

 3.Find Time For Exercise


Many of us aren’t moving around or exercising while staying indoors or at home . A lack of exercise not only increases your risk of gaining weight, but it also increases your risk for chronic disease and takes away a portion of immunity system the potent stress reliever. "Thirty minutes of exercise every day should be the goal," adds McCormick,an expert. If can not be maintained then, at least 10 minutes a day ,three days a week is a minimum must.

PS: Enjoy Exploring i your Leisure Time