Maintain Your Smile With General Dentistry in Chapel Hill, NC - 3 minutes read



We’ve been practicing general dentistry in Chapel Hill long enough to know that healthy smiles don’t just happen. They are the result of hard work at home like brushing and flossing daily, along with regular visits to a great dentist. While coming in for regular cleanings and exams can go a long way toward preventing dental problems, general dentistry in Chapel Hill can help you and your family achieve your healthiest smiles in a variety of ways:

  • Boost your level of oral health and overall wellness
  • Discover any emerging issues before they get out of control
  • Allow your smile to feel fresh and look great all through life
  • Detect and treat oral cancer before it has a chance to spread

To keep disease and decay at bay, schedule your next dental checkup in Chapel Hill. Call 919-246-5933 to visit Meadowmont Dentistry.

General Dental Care Can Lead To A One-Of-A-Kind Smile

Even if you’ve managed to hang onto an amazing smile thus far, you’ll likely find that the years can be unkind to your teeth and gums as you get older. So, if you don’t want things to deteriorate in your mouth, it is time to partner with Drs. Wilson and Winokur and the rest of our team so that we can help you keep your smile on track moving forward.

Besides those crucial teeth cleanings and dental exams, we also offer some other general dental services designed to keep you smiling big, such as:

  • Mouthguards – We can design a custom-fitted mouthguard to eliminate your TMJ troubles or teeth grinding habit.
  • Dental Sealants – This treatment works well for patients of all ages. Sealants create a barrier between dangerous plaque and bacteria and your healthy teeth, reducing your risk for tooth decay and other issues.

Whenever you are here for a thorough cleaning and exam, we can utilize modern tools like #1" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(144, 2, 36);">digital X-rays, and the VELscope oral cancer screening system. Both allow for more precise detection and diagnosis of problems that may not be obvious to the untrained eye.

Relax In Comfort While We Work

As your partner for general dentistry solutions, we will make sure that you always have a clean and healthy smile. Plus, we will make it a pleasant and pain-free experience to take your smile where it needs to go and keep it there. You can just sit back and relax while you’re here. Our amenities include:

  • Hot or Chilled Aromatherapy Towels
  • A Phone Charging Station
  • Noise-Cancelling Headphones
  • Coffee, Tea, or Bottled Water
  • Light Snack Assortment
  • Neck Pillows and Warm Blankets
  • Toothbrush and Mouthwash
  • Tissue
  • Lip Balm
  • Shaded Glasses or Eye Mask
  • Netflix TV and Movies
  • Wi-Fi