Simhasana (Lion Pose) Steps, Benefits and Precautions - 5 minutes read

Hello friends, you are welcome on natural health tips, today we will learn about Simhasana benefits and precautions. Within the foreign country, simhasana is known as lion pose. In this asana, we roar like a lion, so it is called a lion pose. This posture makes every part of your body like hands, feet, eyes, ears, and noses healthy. When we roar in this posture, all the diseases related to our throat get cured. In this pose, our body looks like a lion, which is why it also strengthens our legs and shoulders. If you have a lack of time, then this poses alone trains all the muscles and organs of your body. So you must definitely do this asana. This is an advanced-level pose. In Yoga, this asana is part of Hath yoga. Let us now understand the lion's posture in detail. BASIC GUIDE OF LION POSE- We also know singhasana by the name of simhasana. In English, this pose is known as the lion pose. This pose is made by combining two Sanskrit words. asana - pose For this reason, it is also called the lion pose. Now we try to understand the name of this asana in various languages. Hindi language - Singhasan English language - Lion Pose This is advanced-level yoga. In this, the position of our body is like a lion, so this pose benefits our entire body. HOW TO DO SIMHASANA- Let us now learn the right way to do singhasana SIMHASANA PREPARATORY POSES- 1) 1) In the first step you have to sit in the posture of Vajrasana. 2) Now you have to keep your feet together. 3) Open your knees as much as possible. 4) Now open your fingers and place them on the ground. 5) The direction of the fingers of your hand should be towards your thighs. 6) The distance between your hands should be as far as the shoulder. 7) The fingers of your hands should be under the thighs. 8) Your waist should be straight. 9) Your entire body should look like a lion's. 10) Now you have to take the tongue out of your mouth. 11) You have to fill the breath inside and when the breath comes out then you have to roar like a lion. 12) You have to repeat this process 4, or 5 times. 13) Gently leave this asana 2) BEGINNER TIPS- This pose is a bit different, you may have more trouble in extending your thigh while doing this asana. So you have to open your knee according to your capacity and extend it lightly every day. You will observe, after some time your thighs will automatically open. 2) Lion pose hand under your leg 3) Lion pose thunderbolt leg SIMHASANA BENEFITS- 1) This asana helps to cure throat-related diseases like tonsils, thyroid, and sore throat. 2) This posture develops positive energy and shuns mental illness. 3) In simhasana our throat is stressed due to which the muscles of the throat become strong and blood is circulated, consequently our voice starts to be sweet. 4) This asana is very beneficial for the eyes, nose, mind, teeth, and jaws. 5) By doing this asana, all the disorders related to our back are removed. 6) Even if you want to lose weight, you should practice this pose daily. 7) By doing this asana, blood circulation increases in your body, due to which the disease related to your skin goes away and your face starts to glow. 8) This pose helps you in reducing the fat of your thigh and lower body. 9) This posture makes your knees strong. 10) This pose makes your internal organ like - liver, pancreas, stomach all healthy. SIMHASANA CONTRAINDICATIONS- 1) If you have pain in your knees, then you can sit in a normal state and practice it. 2) If you have a severe disease related to the throat, then you should not practice it 3) Pregnant women should not practice this asana 4) If you have back pain, you should not practice this posture 5) You should not do this asana if you have problems of cervical, migraine, and headache. FINAL WORDS ON SIMHASANA BENEFITS AND PRECAUTIONS- Friends, this is an advanced-level yoga pose. If you practice it regularly then you will get many benefits from it. I have told you in detail above about the benefits and disadvantages of simhasana. You must bring this asana into your daily habits. Hope you liked today's post Simhasana benefits and precautions. QUESTION AND ANSWER RELATED SIMHASANA - Q1) WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF SIMHASANA? Ans- By doing Simhasana, your legs and thigh become flexible and strong. Q2 ) WHO SHOULD NOT PRACTICE SIMHASANA? Ans - The person who has pain in the knee and hip should not do this yoga. Q3 ) WHAT IS ANOTHER NAME FOR SIMHASANA? Ans- Another name for Simhasana is Lion Pose. Q4) WHAT IS SIMHASANA YOGA IN ASTROLOGY? Ans - In Horoscope, It is the Lord of one house which places in the 10th house. Q5) WHAT IS THE IDEAL DURATION FOR SIMHASANA YOGA? Ans - According to me the ideal duration of simhasana yoga is 60 seconds Q6) SHOULD PREGNANT WOMEN DO THIS POSE? Ans - No, this is not an ideal pose for pregnant women. It's not good for them and their baby Q7) WHAT IS THE BEST TIME FOR A SIMHASANA POSE? Ans - if you do this pose in the morning it will surely benefit your body.