Open MRI Scan: A Comfortable and Effective Imaging Solution - 3 minutes read


Medical imaging has come a long way in recent years, and the development of Open MRI scans is a prime example of how technology has improved both patient experience and diagnostic accuracy. Traditional closed MRI scanners can be intimidating and uncomfortable for many patients, leading to anxiety and claustrophobia. However, open MRI scanners offer a more patient-friendly alternative without compromising on image quality or diagnostic capabilities. In this article, we'll explore the benefits and advantages of open MRI scans, helping you understand why this imaging solution is making a significant impact in the field of healthcare.

What is an Open MRI Scan?

An open MRI scan is a medical imaging technique that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to generate detailed images of the inside of the body. What sets it apart from traditional closed MRI scanners is its design. In a typical closed MRI scanner, the patient is enclosed in a narrow, tube-like structure, which can be unsettling and distressing for those who experience claustrophobia or anxiety. Open MRI scanners, on the other hand, do not enclose the patient in a tunnel, providing a more relaxed and comfortable experience.

Advantages of Open MRI Scans

  • Reduced Anxiety and Claustrophobia:

One of the most significant advantages of open MRI scans is that they significantly reduce anxiety and claustrophobia in patients. Traditional MRI machines can be intimidating due to their confined space, causing distress and fear. Open MRI scanners are designed to be more patient-centric, allowing individuals to see around them, communicate with the technologist, and even have a family member or friend accompany them during the scan. This creates a calming environment that is crucial for patients with anxiety or claustrophobia.

  • Improved Patient Comfort:

The open design of these scanners provides greater comfort, especially for individuals who are larger in size, elderly, or children. Patients no longer have to struggle with the tight confines of a traditional MRI machine, making the imaging process less physically demanding. This increased comfort can lead to better patient compliance and overall satisfaction.

  • Access for Diverse Patient Populations:

Open MRI scanners are suitable for a wide range of patient populations. These scanners are particularly beneficial for patients with mobility issues, including those who use wheelchairs, as they can be comfortably scanned without the need for transferring to a different imaging modality. Pediatric patients also find open MRI scans more accommodating, reducing the need for sedation in many cases.

  • High-Quality Imaging:

Despite the more patient-friendly design, open MRI scanners are no slouch when it comes to image quality. These scanners produce high-resolution images that are just as clinically valuable as those from traditional closed MRI machines. This ensures that diagnostic accuracy is not compromised, making open MRI scans an excellent choice for various medical conditions.

  • Versatile Applications:

Open MRI scanners are used in a variety of medical specialties, including orthopedics, neurology, cardiology, and oncology. The open design allows for imaging of different body parts, and the technology has advanced to capture specific sequences and perform contrast-enhanced scans when needed.


Dr. Shaji's MRI & Medical Research Center has the best Open MRI scan. They provide a comfortable and patient-friendly alternative to traditional closed MRI scanners, making the imaging process less intimidating and stressful. These scanners are suitable for a diverse range of patients and medical applications, all while delivering high-quality diagnostic images.