The Ultimate Guide to Using LELO Luna Beads for Intimate Well-being - 4 minutes read

In the realm of sensual exploration, there exists a hidden gem known as LELO Luna Beads. These exquisite pleasure beads have captivated the desires and curiosity of countless individuals seeking to elevate their intimate experiences. Brace yourself for a compelling adventure as we dive into the depths of this ultimate guide. Unleash the power of your pelvic floor, indulge in heightened pleasure, and embark on a transformative path toward enhanced intimacy. Prepare to be captivated by LELO Luna Beads' possibilities as we unlock the secrets to a world of unrivalled satisfaction.

Understanding LELO Luna Beads

LELO Luna Beads is a renowned and popular product designed to enhance pelvic floor health and intimate pleasure. Made from body-safe materials, these discreet and comfortable beads consist of weighted inner beads and a silicone harness. The inner beads create subtle vibrations with every movement, providing an enjoyable sensation while stimulating the pelvic floor muscles.

The Benefits of LELO Luna Beads 

It offers numerous benefits for intimate well-being. Firstly, they aid in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, which can help prevent urinary incontinence and improve overall bladder control. Regularly using Luna Beads can enhance sexual sensations and increase orgasm intensity. By toning the pelvic floor, these beads contribute to postpartum recovery and can improve sexual satisfaction for both partners.

Choosing the Right Luna Beads

Beginners may opt for the Luna Beads Mini, which provides a lighter workout for those new to pelvic floor exercises. For more advanced users or after building strength, the Luna Beads Classic offers a more intense experience. Selecting the appropriate size and weight according to your comfort level and goals is crucial.

Insertion and Usage

To begin, apply a water-based lubricant to the Luna Beads and gently insert them into the vagina, leaving the retrieval cord outside the body. Start with the lighter beads and gradually progress to heavier ones as your pelvic floor muscles strengthen. Once inserted, you can go about your daily activities, and the beads will subtly stimulate and tone your muscles with each movement. It's recommended to start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the duration.

Tips for Maximising Your Experience

Consider the following tips to make the most of your Luna Beads experience. Firstly, practise regular pelvic floor exercises alongside the use of the beads to maximise muscle strengthening. Experiment with different movement patterns, such as walking, dancing, or yoga, to vary the sensation. Clean the beads thoroughly before and after each use, following the manufacturer's instructions, to ensure hygiene and longevity.

Maintenance and Cleaning

After each use:

  1. Wash the beads with mild soap and warm water.
  2. Remove the inner beads from the silicone harness for a thorough cleaning.
  3. Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners that could damage the beads.
  4. Allow them to air dry completely before storing them in a clean and dry place.

Gradual Progression and Patience

When incorporating Luna Beads into your routine, it's important to start slowly and gradually progress to heavier beads as your pelvic floor muscles strengthen. Don't rush the process, and listen to your body's cues. It may take time to notice significant improvements in muscle tone and sexual sensations. Be patient with yourself and enjoy the journey of discovering the positive changes in your intimate well-being over time.

Communication and Shared Experience 

Using LELO Luna Beads can be a shared experience with your partner. Engage in open and honest communication about your desires, comfort level, and goals. Discuss incorporating Luna Beads into foreplay or during intimate moments to enhance pleasure and deepen your connection. Involving your partner allows you to explore new sensations and create a more fulfilling and intimate relationship.


LELO Luna Beads, including the renowned LELO Gigi 2, can significantly contribute to your intimate well-being following proper usage, maintenance, and gradual progression. If you want to buy these both for you, JouJou is the best place to buy it. We deal in premium quality products, prioritising design, and innovation throughout the entire product range.