Appropriate Disciplinary Measure For Stubborn Learners. - 5 minutes read

Disciplinary measure

Allowing unruly behavior in a learning environment might be contagious to other learners. Hence, a classroom instructor needs to take strict measures in handling a child that shows to go against the school principal. 

Although the students are still young, there is a high possibility of trying out new things, either good or bad, so the parents/teachers must make them understand the implication of every step they take and how the wrong path can shatter their dream.

If there is any stubborn student within your vicinity and in need of the best disciplinary measure to change their repulsive attitude, below is a highlight of measure teacher/parent can adopt as it has proven effective for others across numerous locations;

Tap into the child’s interest

Everyone has interests which may include soccer, basketball, swimming, etc. Sometimes, using the desire of such kids against them might be the best idea. Depriving young ones of the things they love might make them feel remorseful for their actions and want to take the proper steps.

Parents in the US prefer to restrict their child’s movement whenever they act against their directive, as this method has proven effective in letting the lad see the wrong sides of their actions and want to turn a new leaf.

Before this disciplinary measure can be effective, you have to know the student and what keeps them excited. If you deprive the learner of what might not make them feel remorseful, the desired result may not be the same.

Discuss with the stubborn learner

Some classroom instructors and parents constantly undermine the critical role heart-to-heart discussion serves in correcting adamant students. The learner might have something they want to pour out of their mind or an intention to take actions that you feel are unruly.

Listening to them will be easier to know their minds and offer necessary advice where required. In addition, healthy discussions between loved ones and teacher-students help solve many mysteries.

Most times, you don’t have to yell or become harsh to correct a kid. Showing love to another individual can help to put an end to misunderstanding. Although students might make decisions because of peer pressure or feeling it is a social norm, it is your duty to put them in check as an adult.

Most developed countries frown against using a cane or harsh disciplinary measures on learners, but this law does not mean you should not correct students when they do something wrong. Instead, try to discuss with a stubborn learner and notice the immensely positive change in their attitudes.

More classroom assignments (mental tasks)

Giving a stubborn student mental tasks is an excellent disciplinary approach because aside from serving as a punishment, it helps to improve the cognitive level of the learner. As a classroom teacher, if you notice any undermining instructions and need an urgent disciplinary approach, the best tip is to assign tasks that you have not taught them before or give them the one above their grade level.

The truth is, no knowledge is lost, and whatever a person learns personally sticks more than the one taught in a class. Therefore, when you give more classroom assignments to stubborn students, you simply prepare them for the next class by telling them to read ahead or asking technical questions relating to the next topic.

After the ward finishes practicing as expected, the next meeting will be like a revision, thereby saving the time of both the learners and students. Similarly, you can give assignments relating to digital skills, not only written, as this task makes them versatile while putting them above their peers.

Community services

Community service as a disciplinary measure involves directing the students to perform specific tasks, like cleaning, washing, etc. But, again, this punitive measure works best on students that need humility. 

When you notice a learner is trying to bully or look down on his peers, try using the community service tip and see positive changes in the student. As a parent/teacher, you can direct the student to clean the surroundings, wash the toilet, etc.

The significant difference between community services and giving mental tasks is, classroom assignment deals with the cognitive aspect while the latter requires physical strength.

Verbal warning

A verbal warning means threatening to take actions that the learners won’t like in the interest of wanting to see positive changes in their attitude. This tip works for numerous parents and class instructors; you can threaten to lock their social media account, seize their piano, report them to the principal, etc. When students learn that an older person is about to take drastic action because of the wrong act, there is a high possibility of dropping the unruly behavior.


Please note that the above-mentioned disciplinary measures for stubborn learners are suitable for both classroom instructors and parents. Although corporal punishment is a practical punitive approach in different instances, numerous educationists frown against it because of the trauma effect on the victim.
