4 Blunders To Avoid When Reducing Weight and Postpartum Belly Fat - 6 minutes read

Fat 4

New moms with postpartum belly fat or allover extra weight from pregnancy are anxious to drop weight as quickly as possible. Fatigue and all the responsibilities of new motherhood can cause a woman to make unwise choices in her quest to lose weight fast. Here are four mistakes that you can easily avoid. 


1) Portion size.

Packaged food systems all have one great characteristic in common. The food is already measured, so there's no guesswork involved for the dieter. Most Americans underestimate how much food we're really eating, therefore, we consume far more calories than we think we are.

To get control over your caloric intake, you need to have a clear idea of how large a "portion" of each type of food should be. Remember that, in order to lose weight and postpartum belly fat, you must create in your body a condition of "caloric deficit." That is, you must consume fewer calories than you use each day.

How large is a portion of food? It's very simple. A proper portion of any kind of meat (chicken, fish, pork, turkey, etc.) is three ounces, or approximately the size of a deck of cards. One portion of carbohydrates, or a single cup, is about the size of a tennis ball. When you're eating at a restaurant, you'll find that the portions can be two and sometimes three times the right size. Make it a habit to divide your restaurant portions and take the rest home for another meal or two.

Some vegetables, like corn, are starchy. It's a good idea to fill up on vegetables that are not starchy. They are packed with nutrition, do not affect your blood sugar, and have few calories. Any food item that impacts your blood sugar will tend to raise your blood sugar, then cause it to drop dramatically. This has the effect of leaving you feeling depleted, jittery - and hungry. This is a bad place to be when you're trying to lose weight and postpartum belly fat!

2) ) Not eating often enough.

It has become a social custom to eat three meals a day. For weight loss, you should actually eat more frequently than this. The optimum schedule is to have five or six small meals every day. By doing this, you keep your blood sugar constant, which reduces the chance that you will overindulge at your next meal.

Your body also "learns" that there is plenty of food available, and it does not go into "hoarding mode" and conserve fat for energy. Also, by doing this you always keep your body running at its highest level, digesting the healthy food you give it.

Additionally, frequent feedings maximize your metabolism, as your body is constantly busy, burning calories by digesting your meals. By not letting too much time pass between meals, you stabilize blood sugar levels since they never really get the chance to drop. By keeping your blood sugar stable, your hunger levels are minimized, decreasing the chances that you will be tempted to overeat at your next meal


3) Drinking your calories instead of eating them.

Drinking "meal replacement shakes" is a very common problem among new mothers wishing to reduce their postpartum belly fat. There are many of these concoctions on the market that claim to be "healthy" choices. Before reaching for one of these products, keep two factors in mind.

Liquid diet shakes and all fruit smoothies contain a lot of sugar. As mentioned earlier, ingesting a lot of sugar at once causes a spike in blood sugar levels, which is followed by a large release of insulin into the bloodstream, causing a "crash" in blood sugar levels. This is a dramatic shift in blood chemistry, and it's something you want to avoid.

Remember that most diet shakes have no fiber. When dieting in general or when trying to shed postpartum belly fat, fiber is your new best friend. It helps you to feel full and helps to control insulin levels in your blood. Fruit smoothies do contain some fiber from the pulp of the fruit used to make them, but it's still better to eat the raw fruit.

You'd probably be surprised at the number of calories there are in a fruit smoothie or a shake. They can be many more calories than there would be in an equal volume of food, since some of the fruits in a smoothie are not fresh, but canned with sugary syrups. A 16-ounce smoothie can contain as much as 600 calories, and it won't fill you up very much. And a smoothie goes down awfully easily.

It would be tough to eat an equivalent amount of raw fruit in a single sitting. That would be 2 pounds of bananas, oranges or apples! 


4) Inadequate exercise.

It's true, when you have a new little one, you don't really feel like exercising. You're sleep deprived, and if you're nursing the baby, that expense of calories can be exhausting too. Give yourself sufficient time to heal, and when you have the all clear from your doctor, begin or return to a sensible exercise routine. That postpartum belly fat can be just a memory much sooner when you're active.

But, you might say, exercising takes so long and it's so boring, or I don't belong to a gym, or I live in a cold climate. Never fear. You can get more than enough exercise wherever you live, and you don't need to be a gym member either.

Get out of the mindset that exercise has to be the same thing all the time. You can do it just three times a week, for at least 20 minutes each time. This will get you all the benefits in minimum time. Also, mix up your exercise. For one session, get a DVD or join a class and do some samba dancing. Next time, jog around the high school track. After that, go for a brisk mall walk with a meet up group. Look for opportunities to be active. You don't have to pump iron all day to reach your fitness goals. Exercise helps you feel full too, which is an added benefit.

Use these sensible tips and you'll reduce the weight and postpartum belly fat faster than you imagined you could. Anything reasonable will work as long as you stick with it.

Theatrical choreographer and mother of two Rosemary Kurtz knows the value of proper diet and adequate activity to reduce postpartum belly fat also combined with an highly effective WEIGHT loss SUPPLEMENT which cannot be overemphasized.

CHECK HERE to view a 14-minute video on the intriguing benefits and the fun of RESURGE for weight loss.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6207052

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