How do you rank your YouTube videos on Google? - 1 minute read


As the number of Internet users has increased, so has the number of YouTube users. At the same time, the number of people creating and uploading content to YouTube has also increased rapidly. Nowadays, many YouTubers make videos on various topics of users’ choice. Then there is a competition to get likes, but do you know how Google ranks a website? Similarly, video rank is also created by Google.

In today’s article, we will tell you about it, and moreover, we will also tell you how to rank your YouTube videos on Google. Before we start the article, we need to know a little bit about video SEO. By the way, there is no separate YouTube video ranking software to rank YouTube videos on Google, but by following some simple tips, you can rank your YouTube videos on Google.

What is Video SEO?

Video SEO is a technique that can help you get more and more likes for your videos on Google.

Let us know how we can rank our YouTube videos on Google. Before we understand this, we also need to know why not every video trending on YouTube can rank on Google.

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