40K: Daemons Invade Kill Team - 4 minutes read

40K: Daemons Invade Kill Team

The forces of the four chaos gods gather to dive into 40k: Kill Team. Recruit them at your own peril!

This may come as a shock to folks who haven’t been playing Kill Team but Chaos Daemons weren’t an option as a warband. Until now. Thanks to this month’s White Dwarf, Chaos Daemons are finally joining the game and they are bringing some nasty tricks to the tabletop.

GW Recommended Specialist: Combat Specialist (duh). At Level 1, they can get an extra attack. If you go the Warrior Adept route, they will also be hitting on 2+ in the fight phase. Toss that on a Bloodreaper and you’ll have one deadly specialist. Or you could go the Leader Route with the Bloodreaper to tap into Lead by Example:

You know what’s better than a Bloodletter’s attacks? Two Bloodletter’s attacks. You get the idea.

GW Recommended Specialist: Demolitions Specialist. Horror’s are known for their ability to pump out some flames. Combo this either the Breacher ability and/or Custom Ammo tactic that is available at level 1 and watch your opponents cringe at the flames. As far as other rolls, Comms Specialist also fits rather nicely for the Icon of Tzeentch bearer – you typically want to keep them back and shooting, why not get a +1 to hit at range? And then there is the added benefit of the possible mortal wound generation, too:

I feel like this goes without saying, but Daemons get to run around with a Daemonic save which nets them a 5+. And Plaguebearers get access to Disgustingly Resilient, which, you guessed it, gives you a “Feel No Pain” of 5+ as well.

Combine all that with their solid profile and you get a tough core to crack. GW recommends making them Veteran Specialists because odds are they are going to stick around long enough to actually become your go-to core.

Daemonettes make fantastic Combat Specialists as well. An extra attack to their profile means that an Alluress will get 4 attacks – so you’ll get ample chances at triggering those 6+ for the extra AP. Oh and Quicksilver Swiftness is also quite nasty with these daemons – did you want to strike before your opponents? Well, now you can.

Another recommended specialist job from GW is going with a Scout Specialist option. Combine that with the Instrument of Slaanesh and you’ll be able to get them quickly across the tabletop and in the enemy’s face with those nasty crab claws.

Bloodletters have access to Cleaving Blow which adds a nasty 1 extra damage to the characteristic of that model’s Hellblade. Now, remember, they already have a -3 AP and if this is that Combat Specialist this could be a pretty deadly pairing.

For Horrors, why not make their shooting attack -3 AP now. Ya know, cause fire and all. Seems legit!

Plaguebearers already have the most durability, but as my basketball coach said in middle-school, you make 100% of the saves you don’t have to take…Or something like that. With Pestilentail Aura, slap your Plaguebearer with an additional -1 to be hit for the round.

I think we’ve established the fact that Daemonettes are fast – well with Deadly Dance you can roll 3D6 on the charge and use two of those dice. Just in case you wanted to ensure they made that charge.

If you want to play with the Chaos Daemons in Kill Team, then be sure to grab the new White Dwarf heading to stores this weekend!

Source: Belloflostsouls.net

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Daemon (Warhammer)Maywand District murdersChaos (Warhammer)Maywand District murdersThe Kill TeamChaos (Warhammer)White Dwarf (magazine)Chaos (Warhammer)BloodlettingBloodlettingChaos (Warhammer)DemonMercury (element)DemonChaos (Warhammer)CrabHellblade: Senua's SacrificePretty DeadlyBasketballDiceChaos (Warhammer)The Kill TeamWhite Dwarf (magazine)