Fixing life situations using patience and discipline. - 4 minutes read

I’ve been reflecting on various situations, both positive and negative, that occur in our lives. Have you ever noticed that patience and discipline typically go hand in hand? Even if you have patience in your life or career, you risk going back to where you started if you lack discipline. Understanding that some things are processes and that, in some situations, there is nothing you can do to advance them until the stages are completed. Contrarily, discipline is the element we require to maintain order and control over things. It is turning down or granting requests or circumstances that align with our objective. Zedmobile telecommunications

A lack of discipline might cause you to stray from your objective at any point in your life. Will you reach your target if you lack discipline? It’s like starting a journey without a destination, are you going to reach it? We stay on the correct path to achieving our goals because discipline manages our circumstances.

In reality, many people have been saved from drama, harm, and bad luck by exercising patience. Many im-patient people find it difficult to keep things in order, either inside themselves or with other people. On the other hand, many people have benefited from having patience. Imagine having to go from first grade to college to pursue a career in accounting or engineering. That is a traditional indication of the value of patience. The same is true for all aspects of life — patience is required to go from point A to point B. To keep doing what is necessary for you to accomplish the objective, discipline enters the picture in addition to patience. Not everyone can accomplish their life goals; this is usually due to a lack of discipline or patience.

You can agree with me that every life has challenges that either need patience, discipline, or both. You have seen many people fail in certain situations due to a lack of patience or discipline. We understand the circumstances that come along in life but these two things are important when applied successfully.

Patience and discipline are acquired via observation or experience. Psychology claims that experiences and observation are how we learn. It’s not necessary to actually experience the danger of fire burns; watching someone who has been burned should be sufficient to give you an idea of how deadly it may be.

We can use our ears to listen and see with our eyes. These are great senses that will surely change our lives for the better. Your patience and discipline will take you far more in your career or life than shortcuts do.

You may get fed up with waiting for some things — a career, business, a relationship, a promotion, or something significant—but it might not be your fault; rather, it might be a process that requires patience. But are you putting in the required practices to get what you require? Your discipline is a path, and patience is like a car. Build a path from your current location to your desired destination; otherwise, the world will push you in the direction it wants, not what you want.

Imagination is a very powerful tool humans can use to shape their lives. It’s important to visualize what kind of a person you want to see in yourself. Start applying discipline and exercising patience where it is needed. In life, you don’t copy answers from others, What if you have a mathematics question paper and your friends are answering to religious education? That’s where we tend to get it all wrong.

Focus on your objectives instead of copying everything you see from people. Internal discipline and patience are answers to that but we overlook them. We are eager to go higher without planning how to get there. In the actual sense, we end up finding ourselves lower than we wished.

By Je Phiri