Wintry Mix Pelting Upper Midwest and New England - 1 minute read

Wintry Mix Pelting Upper Midwest and New England

A snowstorm that created blizzard-like conditions in parts of Minnesota and the Dakotas over the weekend, contributing to hundreds of traffic crashes and closing parts of interstate highways, lingered over the region on Monday and also extended across the Northeast and into New England.

About 800 snowplows were deployed across Minnesota, Anne Meyer of the state’s Department of Transportation said. The storm dumped about one foot of wet and heavy snow on the state over the weekend and was expected to drop another six inches on Monday, the National Weather Service said.

Source: The New York Times

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Rain and snow mixedUpper MidwestNew EnglandWinter stormBlizzardMinnesotaThe DakotasTraffic collisionInterstate Highway SystemNortheastern United StatesNew EnglandMinnesotaState court (United States)United States Department of TransportationPrecipitationSnowNational Weather Service