What makes a man leave his wife for another woman? The brutal truth - 2 minutes read


“Will my man leave me for another woman?”

Are you asking yourself this question?

Maybe you’re concerned you’re not good enough for your man.

Maybe you’re worried that he’s been acting differently lately, and that it’s only a matter of time before he decides to move on with his life.

It’s not an easy situation to be in.

But we’ve all been there before, and I’m sure you don’t want sympathy.

Instead, you want actionable tips to stop it from happening.

So in this article, I’m going to talk about what makes a man leave his wife for another woman, and what you can do to rectify it.

We have a lot to cover so let’s get started.

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11 reasons why men leave their wives

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1. Dissatisfaction with their marriage

It doesn’t take a genius to figure this out. If he is dissatisfied with his marriage, then he’ll seek to find satisfaction elsewhere.

This is just one of the reasons a married man can develop feelings outside his relationship.

For example, if sex with his partner has become tiresome, and the partner is showing no signs to improve or make it better, then he may search for sexual satisfaction elsewhere.

It may have nothing to do with sex, either. Perhaps his wife is neglecting him emotionally, making him feel empty and hollow.

Subconsciously he has worked out that he needs to fill that emotional void somewhere else.

Getting to a point where you want to cheat can be an incredibly difficult and hopeless path, and for many people..... continue reading