Digital Marketing - 3 minutes read

Digital marketing is a term used to describe the use of digital technologies such as websites, social media, email and mobile apps in order to promote products or services. It can also be defined as the process by which organisations use online platforms for their business purpose.

Digital marketing is not just about creating a website or social media page.

Digital marketing is not just about creating a website or social media page. It’s about creating an online presence for your business, providing information and content to your audience, building relationships with customers and prospects, generating brand awareness and more.

There are several other components involved.

Digital marketing is not just about creating a website or social media page. It includes other parts of the digital market including email, search engine marketing, and online advertising. Each part has its own rules and techniques that must be followed in order to succeed at each aspect of your business.

Digital Marketing Goals:

  • Create an effective eCommerce site that converts visitors into customers by offering them what they want at an affordable price point.
  • Build brand awareness through social media engagement with followers who may become customers.

Despite the fact that all segments of the digital market share some of the same characteristics and goals, there are some important differences.

The digital market is not just about creating a website or social media page; it's also about creating content for these channels that will allow you to reach your target audience. In order for your content to be effective, you need to understand what makes each channel unique so you can create something compelling for each one without losing sight of what matters most the customer experience!

There are many different parts to the digital market that have their own rules, techniques and strategies

Although digital marketing is not just about creating a website or social media page, there are many different parts to the digital market that have their own rules, techniques and strategies. It's important to understand these differences because they can make your business more successful in this space.

  • The Internet: The first step in any marketing strategy should be understanding how consumers interact with their devices when they're online. This includes what they search for on Google, what websites they visit and which ads they see while browsing around town on their phones or tablets.
  • Mobile Marketing: If you want your brand's message out there (and who doesn't?), mobile messaging has become an essential part of any successful campaign and it offers several advantages over traditional methods like emailing subscribers list updates every month!


Digital marketing is a complex topic and there’s no one size fits all approach. The best way to start is by understanding what kind of digital marketing you want to do, how much time you have to do it and focusing on those goals.