Law of Attraction and Love - Attraction Power - 4 minutes read

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Next to money one of the most important reasons that people come to see me is to attract love. This article explains some of the ways that you can begin using the law of attraction to bring love into your life.

One of the biggest obstacles to love is that most people do not believe that they deserve it, or they find love then find that they are unhappy, criticised, jealous or many of the other negative emotions associated with most peoples relationships.

The reason for this is that most people jump into the relationship with there old belief systems in tact, in other words most people go into relationships with old insecurities, feelings of inadequacy not feeling deserving of the person they are with. All relationships tend to start off really well, then the negative beliefs that have been created begin to kick in and before you know it the relationship is taking a downward turn.

Unveiling the secret of the law of attraction an love : MUST KNOW

The truth to getting the perfect relationship is to actually improve the relationship that you have with yourself first. If you value and appreciate you, then any person who comes into your experience including your partner will value you too. However a lot of people do not even like looking at their appearance in a mirror let alone appreciate who they are, and even when someone does look in that mirror there are lots of things to criticise there. (does all of this sound familiar).

So what can you do to attract the perfect relationship. Begin first by looking at you. Get a pen and paper and draw two columns one on the left and one on the right. In the left hand column write all of the things that you do not like about yourself, it can include personality traits, looks, anything in fact. Then in the right hand column write all of the things you do like about yourself.

Once you have done this look at what you have written, if you are like most people you probably have more statements in the left hand column than you have in the right hand column. Now the trick is to begin to add more to the right hand column.So each day I would like you to add 3 new statements to the column on the right, it does not matter if you do not truly believe them at first remember we are just building a new relationship with you. The statement could be something as simple as 'it was really kind of you today to allow that person to jump ahead of you in the traffic' Each day read through every single statement and think of it as though it were someone else you are reading about.


Over a period of a month you will begin to notice a change in the way you feel about yourself. You may look in the mirror of life and find less to criticise, you may begin to feel appreciation for who you are, and the value you add to your own life and others. When you begin to feel these emotions, it is important to then continue for a little while longer so that the positive emotions become more dominant within you.

If you have done his correctly and faithfully, you will begin to notice the people in your life begin to respond differently towards you. It will be subtle at first, friends, family, colleagues may just want to hang about with you, have a conversation with you. They may begin complimenting you. All that has happened is that you have begun the process of appreciating you, when this happens the whole world begins to appreciate you and praise you. This is now a good time to follow up on inspired action to find the right partner. You may find by this time you already have a few admirers and it is just a case of you sifting through the choices to find who is compatible with you. This eventually will lead to the partner that is just right for you, that can appreciate and love you in freedom, and someone you can love and appreciate back in freedom. This is the best way to get the best relationship.

For More information on the the secret and the law of attraction an love : LOVE ATTRACTION

So to conclude this article on law of attraction and love all you have to do is like who you are, appreciate who you are, once you do this the doors to love will open and countless possibilities will be made available for love to enter into your life.