Parighasana Steps, Benefits, and Disadvantages - 5 minutes read

Hello Friends, Welcome to Natural Health Tips. Today, I will tell you about the Parighasana steps, benefits, and disadvantages. Friends, Parighasana is an advanced-level yoga. It is known as Gate Pose in English. In this posture, our body looks like a gate which is why this posture is also known as the Gate pose. This posture is very beneficial for your Thigh, Love Handle, and Shoulder. This asana helps a lot in the muscle growth of your body. By doing regular practice, your lungs start getting stronger and you never have any problem of breath. Friends, you should practice basic yoga before doing this pose. If you do not practice basic yoga, you may have difficulty doing this asana. There may be a strain on your body or there may be an injury in your body. Therefore, you should first focus on the practice of basic yoga and only then you should move towards advanced yoga. One more thing, if you have ever had a serious injury before, avoid this yoga because it may not harm you but can harm you. Let us now learn about Gate Pose. PARIGHASANA HISTORY – Friends, Parighasana is an advanced-level yoga pose. In this asana, the position of our body looks like a gate. The English name of this asana is Gate Pose. This asana is made up of a combination of 2 words. Asana - pose When we combine these two worlds, the gate becomes a pose. Let us now understand the gate pose in detail. HOW TO DO GATE POSE – 2) 3) 1) First of all you have to sit in the position of Vajrasana. 2) Now you have to stand above your knee. 3) In the next position you have to stretch the left leg into the left side. 4) Keep in mind that your leg should be straight and stretched on the left side. 5) Now you have to Raise the right hand upwards and grab the left knee with the left hand. 6) Now take a deep breath and tilt your right hand to the left side. 7) With the hand you have to bend the body to the left side. 8) You have to stay in this position for a few seconds and then slowly come to the original position. 9) Now you have to perform the same process on the other side. 10) You have to do this process at least 3 to 4 times. FOLLOW UP POSES – 3) 1) Beginner must do for 60 seconds 2) Intermediate must do for 120 seconds 3) Expert should go for 160 seconds BEGINNER TIPS – Friends, a beginner should take care of a few things before doing this posture. If you have ever had a knee or hip injury or you have had surgery, you should do this asana with the advice of a doctor. VARIATIONS – 1) Kneeling Side Bend Pose. 2) Horse Salute Pose Variation Foot In Front GATE POSE BENEFITS – 1) This asana makes your Hip and back flexible and strong. 2) This asana also makes your neck, spine, and solder flexible and strong. 3) This asana reduces your lower body fat and makes your thighs slim. 4) It also improves your metabolism rate. 5) This asana makes your lung muscles flexible and strong. 6) By doing this asana, the mantle stability increases, and stress is reduced. 7) This pose makes your abdomen organ flexible and strong. 8) It also reduces diseases like asana constipation and gas. 9) Increases hair growth and skin glowness as well. 10) also cures common illnesses like headaches. PARIGHASANA PRECAUTIONS – 1) Pregnant women should not do this asana. 2) If you have ever had surgery before, do not do this asana. 3) A person suffering from slipped disc and cervical should not do this asana. 4) Do a proper warm-up before doing this asana, otherwise, you may get injured. 5) Do not pose when you have piles of problems. QUESTION & ANSWER RELATED TO PARIGHASANA - Q1 ) WHAT MUSCLES DOES GATE POSE STRETCH? Ans- Gate Pose Stretch Inner Thigh, Hamstring, and Ribs Muscles. Q2 ) IS GATE POSE A HIP OPENER? Ans - Yes, this is a Hip Opener Pose because it increases the Flexibility of your Hips. Q3 ) WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF PARIGHASANA? Q4) WHAT IS THE IDEAL DURATION OF PARIGHASANA? Ans - The ideal duration of this pose is 30 to 40 Seconds. Q5) SHOULD PREGNANT WOMEN DO THIS POSE? Ans- No, pregnant women should not do this pose. Q6) WHY IS IT CALLED GATE POSE ? Ans - Because In this Pose our body looks like a gate or door that's why it is called gate pose . FINAL WORDS ON PARIGHASANA STEPS, BENEFITS, AND DISADVANTAGES- Friends, hope you have liked this asana parighasana steps, benefits, and disadvantages very much. Today I have explained all the steps, benefits, and precautions of this pose in every detail. You put all these things in your life so that you can benefit a lot further. You should embark on this type of yoga practice in your life so that you can succeed beyond that. Hope you have learned something from today's post.