Bitilasana steps benefits and disadvantages - 5 minutes read

Hello friends, welcome to Natural Health Tips. Today we will learn Bitilasana steps benefits and disadvantages. Friends must have heard about your marjariasana, if you have not heard, I have written about it in detail, first, you should read that post. Friends, Bitilasana is somewhat like that, in one movement we will repeat marjariasana. The biggest advantage of this asana is that if you want to practice any type of Advance yoga, then this pose helps you to warm up. This asana actually warms up your spine. Warm-up increases the flexibility of your spine. Talking about other advantages, this pose gives benefits to your lower abdomen both externally and internally. In external benefits, this asana reduces your lower body fat and creates a hip shape. In Internal Benefit, this pose massages your internal organ and cures basic diseases such as gas, indigestion, and constipation. So today, you have to learn carefully because it provides you with 2 benefits. BITILASANA HISTORY – Friends, now we get to know a little history of Bitilasana. Bitilasana is also known as Cow Pose. It comes inside the Basic Yoga pose which serves as a warm-up pose for Advance level yoga. In this asana, we are in dog pose and perform the up and down movement of our spine carefully. It is made up of the addition of 2 words asana. Asana - pose When we combine the two words, Cow Pose is formed. Let us now learn to do Step By Step Bitilasana HOW TO DO COW POSE – 1) Marjariasana 1) First of all you have to lay Mat on the floor. 2) Now you have to come into the position of Dog means as the dog stands. 3) Your knees should be in the line of the hips and your palms should be in the line of the shoulder. 4) Now you have to take a breath in and pull your hips upwards. 5) You have to pull your spine downward and head upwards. 6) Remain in this position for a few seconds. 7) Now you have to release your butts and your spine upward and head downward. 8) You have to stay in this position again for a few seconds. 9) You have to repeat this posture 3 to 4 times. 10) Remember breathe inhale and exhale properly FOLLOW UP POSES – 1) 3) The beginner must do at least 30 seconds Intermediate Must do for 60 seconds The expert should do it for 120 seconds BEGINNER TIPS – Friends, this pose is very easy, but my brothers who have pain in the spine and knee, they should do it with the advice of a doctor. VARIATIONS – 1) Cat-Cow Pose Knees Lifted 2) Rocket Cat Pose 3) Cow Pose Flow COW POSE BENEFITS – 1) This pose helps in reducing your lower body fat. 2) This pose makes your thigh and Hip shape beautiful. 3) Makes your joints strong and flexible. 4) Helps to make your spine flexible and strong. 5) It reduces your neck pain and makes it strong. 6) This asana helps to eliminate your stomach problems like gas, indigestion, and constipation. 7) This asana makes your lungs strong. 8) This asana helps in increasing the immunity of your body. 9) This asana makes your physical and mental strength strong. 10) This asana keeps you away from the problem of depression. COW POSE PRECAUTIONS – 1) If you have spine or joint pain, do not do it asana. 2) Even if you have problems with Hip surgery and Piles, do not do it asana. 3) Do not do this asana even if there is a Headache and High BP. 4) Pregnant women should not do this asana. 5) Avoid this asana even if there is a knee or shoulder injury. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS RELATED TO BITILASANA - Q1) WHAT IS THE ENGLISH NAME OF BITILASANA? Ans - The English name of Bitilasana is Cow Pose. Q2) SHOULD A PATIENT OF PILES DO BITILASANA? Ans- No, you should consult a doctor before doing this yoga practice. Q3) DO YOU NEED A TRAINER TO DO COW POSE? Ans- Yes, beginners should do all yoga under the supervision of a trainer. Q4) SHOULD PREGNANT WOMEN DO THIS POSE? Q5) WHAT IS THE IDEAL DURATION FOR COW POSE? Ans - Ideal Duration for doing this pose is 40 to 60 Seconds Q6) SHOULD WE DO THIS POSE IN THE MORNING? Ans - Yes, This Pose is very effective in the morning. Q7) BEST TIME FOR WOMEN TO DO THIS POSE? Ans - You Can Do this Pose at Morning and You Can Do it at night also. FINAL WORDS ON BITILASANA STEPS BENEFITS AND DISADVANTAGES – Friends, I hope you have liked today's post on Bitilasana steps benefits, and disadvantages very much. Cow Pose is a very basic pose, but when we start discussing its benefits, books also fall short. Therefore, I always recommend to people that before practicing Advance level yoga, you must practice basic yoga. Because basic yoga prepares you for benefits as well as advanced yoga. Hope you learned something new today