How Shower Filters Are Useful For Well Water - 5 minutes read
Roughly 1% of the population of the United Arab Emirates have private water supplies to their homes. These homes are generally in rural areas and farms. Areas where standard municipal water suppliers can not reach and are not connected to the mains water supply for the rest of the United Kingdom. Generally these private water supplies are sourced via springs, boreholes, streams, rivers or in many instances they are sourced through wells anti hair fall shower filter have been dug by the owners of the property or have existed on the properties previous to the owners occupying the property / land. In some instances these wells may have been present during or before even Roman settlement in the U.K, so some of these wells may be of quite ancient heritage. Therefore before using one we must first understand and alleviate any safety concerns that might abound in relation to the water contained in that particular well.What's Typically In Well Water?When using well or any other type of private water supply, it is necessary to have the water tested before using it. This ensures that the water is safe for whatever purpose you intend to use it for. Be that drinking or showering in, it is important that any water that you might shower within is actually safe for consumption as well. So before even considering putting a shower filter on any well drawn water, make sure that the water has been tested to ensure that it is safe for consumption.Bacteria, Algae, ParasitesAs a well is exposed to the environment and is typically in an area of topological depression, rain water which falls around the area and then flows along the ground (or underground) and collects in the well can sometimes be polluted with animal faeces that is strewn on the ground.Choosing a shower filter with KDF-55 will help to kill Bacteria and Algae because it has natural anti-bacteria properties. Having said that, as bacteria and virus' can cause some serious illness - it is advised that water is tested to ensure that there is no potentially harmful contaminants in well water and not to rely only on a shower filter to protect oneself from these hazardous materials.Heavy metalsMetals such as; mercury, iron, magnesium, copper and a variety of other heavy metals are found naturally in soil all throughout the United Kingdom. A small amount of heavy metals can generally be found in most water supplies, be that from well water or from municipal water supplies. Also small amounts of some metals are actually required in our diets to keep healthy, for example people with a low level of iron in their blood can suffer from health problems such as anemia. Yet because of the nature of a well, the water in the well can have long term and constant contact with ground which may have concentrations of heavy metals which are actually harmful to humans. These heavy metals can become soluble within well water and if not controlled can cause serious illness to health. When showering in water which has high concentrations of copper, blonde hair can turn green.Again - a shower filter with KDF-55 will also help eliminate water soluble heavy metals. Water soluble heavy metals will bond to the KDF-55 and it can remove up to 90% of heavy metals from water as it passes through the shower filter.Water Hardness and PesticidesJust like heavy metals in well water, water found in wells are typically harder than above ground sources of water. This again is because hardness (which is attributed to higher mineral content in water) of water is increased because of the exposure of the water in wells to ground which may have in itself higher mineral contents and therefore these minerals are expressed from the general environment which the water is in contact with and becomes imbibed within well water.Pesticide run off from either domestic or industrial and agriculture use can also contaminate well water supplies. Just like with bacteria and algae, pesticides can be picked up when rain water runs across ground or crops which have been sprayed with pesticides and finally be deposited in well water supplies.Using a shower filter which has Granulated Active Carbon (GAC) can help a great deal with Water Hardness and Pesticides. GAC has been known to have great filtering properties when it comes to filtering these types of contaminants. When using shower filters with GAC for filtering water hardness and pesticides it is important to keep an eye on changing the filters more often. As GAC is a porous type of filter which actually traps the contaminants within itself and thus cartridges should be changed more regularly to ensure fresh healthy water is always achieved.In conclusion - when using well water or any other type of personal water supply when showering, the first thing to do is have a professional water test done to ensure that the water is safe for the usage that one requires it for. After that, if tests come back as safe - then it is important to employ a shower filter to make sure that optimum water filtration is achieved to have a safe, healthy and enjoyable shower experience.