Tulsi Gabbard Cleaned up the first Democrat Debate - 4 minutes read

Tulsi Gabbard Cleaned up the first Democrat Debate

Watching the Democrat debate/take turn interview, makes it clear why they lose. Everyone there played up a demographic niche and there were no real people. The first words out of some their mouths were qualifiers based on the “as-a” complex. It was rehearsed as heck. Trump will eat these disconnected robot people. There was one exception and that was Tulsi Gabbard. She was the only one who did any real debating. She was the only one to challenge a position that is promoted by the majority of both parties. She was the only one to outline an issue that is actually up to the president, foreign policy. The rest of them were giving high sounding platitudes about healthcare and the environment, things that are up to the legislative branch where many of them already are and yet have done nothing about. The president does not dictate education or healthcare. The president does however act as Commander and Chief and can decide to waste trillions of dollars on military misadventures, something Democrats and Republicans are both guilty of supporting. Regardless of what domestic issues are of concern, the bottom line in the bottom line. How are you going to pay for them? You can either increase taxes, lower costs, or reduce spending. Ending the warfare for welfare state would both reduce spending and lower costs. No one but Tulsi suggested this. All anyone else had to say was horrible rhetoric about carbon taxes, and costly regulations, something the public can not stomach or stand for or afford. Dear Democrats, Stop Punishing the Working Class or you will lose again.

Tulsi explains basics of Afghanistan to a nobody loser. This reminded me of Ron Paul putting John McCain in his place.

Not surprisingly, the cast of MSNBC hipsters, comprised of Miss Russiagate conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow, self righteous Chuck Todd and the jabronis, did not see it fit to ask about Internet censorship even right after Google was exposed in an undercover investigation of aiming to hack the elections. This is something mad dog Maddow accused the Russians of doing basically daily for the past couple years. It is very telling of the MSM that they simply ignored this huge story and threat to democracy.

Cory Booker is whiter than I am. Yet he actually tried to gather minority points in his answers in the debate tonight. This is what is wrong with the Democratic party. Insisting on special privilege based on biology is not promoting equality; it’s preserving prejudice. Having a white doctor father is not a position of disadvantage. We just had a mixed black and white president who identified as black, for 8 years who won over Democratic celebrities quite easily and stomped his Republican opponents. He did this even after starting multiple pointless wars and bank bailouts. We are still dealing with the fall out from Libya and Syria is still at war. Identity politics will win zero votes over from the other side. That’s the problem though, the Democrats don’t think there should be another side. The loudest wing think its a battle between them selves and “Nazis” or closet white supremacists. That attitude is exactly why people could swallow Trump’s horrible tact, immature and rude behavior, because no matter what he did or said the SJW side was always more ugly.

Source: Ancreport.com

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Tulsi GabbardDemocratic Party (United States)Democratic Party (United States)Tulsi GabbardForeign policyHealth careNatural environmentLegislaturePresident of the United StatesHealth carePresident of the United StatesCommander-in-chiefDemocracyRepublican Party (United States)Welfare stateRhetoricCarbon taxDemocracyAbortionWorking classTulsi GabbardWar in Afghanistan (2001–2014)Ron PaulJohn McCainMSNBCHipster (contemporary subculture)Conspiracy theoryRachel MaddowChuck ToddInternet censorshipGoogleRussiansMen who have sex with menDemocracyCory BookerDemocratic Party (United States)White privilegeBiologyPrejudiceDoctor FatherPresident of the United StatesDemocratic Party (United States)Republican Party (United States)LibyaSyriaIdentity politicsDemocracyNazismWhite supremacySocial justice warrior