Common Mistakes That Lead to Careless Driving Tickets in New Jersey - 2 minutes read

reckless driving

Careless driving tickets in New Jersey are often issued when a driver operates their vehicle in a manner considered unsafe or without proper regard for road conditions. These tickets can result in hefty fines, points on your license, and even increased insurance premiums. Understanding the common mistakes that lead to careless driving citations can help you avoid them and stay safe on the road.

1. Distracted Driving:

One of the leading causes of careless driving tickets is distracted driving. This includes using a smartphone, eating, adjusting the radio, or anything else that diverts your attention from the road. In New Jersey, even momentary distractions can lead to severe consequences.

2. Speeding:

Exceeding the speed limit is a sure way to get pulled over for careless driving. Whether you're running late or simply not paying attention to your speed, driving too fast can lead to dangerous situations. It's essential always to be aware of the posted speed limits and adjust your speed based on road and weather conditions.

3. Tailgating:

Following another vehicle too closely is aggressive and increases the likelihood of a rear-end collision. Tailgating is considered a form of reckless or careless driving in New Jersey and can easily result in a ticket.

4. Ignoring Traffic Signs and Signals:

Failing to obey stop signs, red lights, and other traffic signals is a common reason for careless driving citations. These violations suggest a disregard for traffic laws and can result in severe penalties.

5. Improper Lane Changes:

Unsafe lane changes, such as weaving through traffic or failing to signal, are often classified as careless driving. It's crucial to use your mirrors, check blind spots, and use signals when changing lanes.

By being aware of these common mistakes and practicing safe driving habits, you can avoid careless driving tickets in New Jersey. If you do receive a citation, consulting with a traffic attorney can help you understand your options and potentially reduce the penalties you face.