Expert Level Vajrasana steps, benefits and precautions - 5 minutes read

VAJRASANA STEPS, BENEFITS, AND PRECAUTIONS- Due to eating the wrong food like fast foods, we suffer from gas and constipation. Our food is not digested, a gas is formed and enough gastric juice is not secreted in our stomach. If you have to face the same problem then you have come to the right blog post. Today I will give you a complete health guide. Inside which I will teach a yoga practice. That yoga will correct your stomach problem and other critical diseases. In today's guide, I will tell you what is Vajrasana? And Vajrasana's steps, benefits, and precautions. WHAT IS VAJRASANA? Vajrasana is made of two words first Vajra means thunder or diamond and asana means pose so that's why it is also called thunderbolt pose. In this posture, we bend our legs and sit. This is the pose where we achieve calmness in our minds. Like padmasana, this pose is quite simple. A beginner can start his yoga practice through this asana. THUNDERBOLT POSE STEPS- PREPARATORY POSE- You should first start with sukhasana.In sukhasana, you sit in the quartet. And place your hand on your knees. Stay here for some time it will open up your leg and calm your mind. STEPS - 1) Stretch your leg forward and stay here for 10 seconds. 2) Bend your right leg and similarly left leg as shown in the picture above. 3) Your hips should be on your heels. 4) Place your palm on your knees. 5) Straighten your spine and you must look forward. 6) Calm your mind and keep inhaling and exhaling. 7) stay as long as possible, when you feel pain in your ankle or in the knee then leave the pose. FOLLOW UP POSES- 1) Vajrasana on Toes Shoulder Retraction 2) Vajrasana Overlapping Feet Close Up 3) BEGINNER TIPS- Biggers has the most difficulty in bending their legs. The solution to this problem is to first stretch the leg forward. And try to touch your hands on the toe. This will open the vein of your thighs and knees and you will have ease in performing Vajrasana. VAJRASANA BENEFITS- 1) Vajrasana is a panacea for a patient suffering from sciatica. 2) This yoga posture impacts hips and thighs Fat and reduces extra fats. 3) Performing Vajrasana strengthens your digestive system. After eating the food you lay down directly, which turns the food straight into fat. If you do Vajrasana after eating food, then your digestive system will improve. 4) Lungs become stronger by practicing the thunderbolt pose. In Vajrasana we inhale and exhale continuously, which makes our lungs stronger. 5) It strengthens your reproductive system and helps in increasing your sperm count. 6) Its regular practice reduces arthritis and knee pain. 7) It reduces your lower back pain. Strengthens the spine bone and leg muscles. 8) It eliminates indigestion, gas, and constipation disease from the root. 9) It increases mental strength and helps in practicing meditation. Through continuous practice Concentration of a child improved. 10) This posture stabilizes your mind. PRECAUTIONS OF THUNDERBOLT POSE- 1) A person who has an old knee injury should avoid this yoga pose. 2) If you have high blood pressure and headache problems stay away from this posture. 3) A person having slipped disc, back pain, and a cervical problem should not do this posture. 4) Pregnant women should do this posture after childbirth. 5) If you have a hernia or intestine problem please avoid this posture. 6) Be careful while bending your knees because sometimes due to the wrong movement of the leg, the ligament of the knees breaks. 7) If you feel discomfort while performing Vajrasana then leave the posture at that time. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS RELATED TO VAJRASANA - Q1) WHAT IS THE RIGHT TIME TO DO VAJRASANA? Ans- Friends, if you do Vajrasana in the morning, then that time is more suitable for yoga. Q2) WHICH PART OF YOUR BODY IS MOST BENEFITS FROM DOING VAJRASANA? Ans - Your thighs and knees get more benefits by doing Vajrasana. Q3) DOES VAJRASANA CAUSE WEIGHT LOSS? Ans - Yes, doing this yoga improves your metabolism rate. Due to this, your weight loss starts Q4) CAN VAJRASANA BE DONE EMPTY STOMACH? Ans- Yes, you can do Vajrasana on Empty Stomach, it does not have any negative impact on your body. Q5) IS VAJRASANA GOOD FOR HAIR GROWTH? Ans - Yes, by doing Vajrasana your hair length and health are good. Q6) SHOULD CHILDREN DO THIS POSE EVERY DAY? Ans - Yes they can but under the supervision of a Yoga Trainer. Q7) SHOULD CHILDREN DO THIS POSE EVERY DAY? Ans - No, Pregnant Women should avoid this pose. FINAL WORDS ON VAJRASANA STEPS, BENEFITS, AND PRECAUTIONS- Vajrasana is the simplest posture any person can do anywhere. This pose is beneficial for children, old men, women, and young people. It develops the brain. Relieves stomach problems and is good for the knees. In today's guide, I have composed a complete article after taking care of everything. Mainly I have given more attention to Vajrasana steps, benefits, and precautions. This guide will help you to avoid diseases and will help make you and your family healthy.