How to Write Better Transactional Emails - 3 minutes read
How to Write Better Transactional Emails
“Thank you for your order!”
Sounds familiar, right?
It should, because this is the opening of any good transactional email. So, how to write better transactional emails?
Transactional emails have an average open rate of 48% compared to 18% for non-transactional emails. This is because transactional emails are relevant and they’re highly expected by customers.
But it’s few marketers who take advantage of them, and this leads to massive loss of potential profit. If you optimize your transactional emails properly, you’ll increase email engagement and get more profit from your consumers.
1. Create Personalized Emails
Always personalize your emails. Include the recipient’s name. This will help to get it delivered and it will improve the open rates. Put simply, we enjoy seeing our name.
If you’re sending a B2B automated email, ensure your submission form captures the full name of your customers and adds it to the email. And if you’re sending an e-commerce email, make sure the sender name is your brand. In addition, make sure it’s an email people can reply to and inquire about their order.
2. Give Custom Suggestions for the Next Step
Suggest other products the customer may like based on what they purchased. This is easy to achieve for e-commerce transactional emails if you have more data on who the customer is and what they may want.
For B2B emails, every email doesn’t need to be uniquely customized, but treat every email like your drip campaign. Give the reader a blog to read and share, give them a primer if they just signed up for your service, or offer consultation if they just downloaded your product information.
You have access to the traffic of the pages on your site, so use it! Don’t make customers wander through your site after they’ve received an email when you know what they’re likely to want.
Include an email footer with quick links to pages your customers are likely to need, or place bold calls to action that address their need based on the email they’re receiving. Be proactive and anticipate what your readers will need. This is a great way to provide personalized value.
Consider how customers view your brand. Don’t write formal emails if you’re a casual company, and don’t use very a familiar copy if you’re offering professional services.
If your email is for a company, it should mirror the copy you use in other emails, your social media, and your site. And if your email is for a real person with a real name, experiment with the copy and see if a more relaxed copy will be more relatable and create more engagement.
Don’t write a robotic email if you can’t read it yourself. Think about the value you can add through content, and make your email personal through the tone and style of writing.
When you write and manage your email content correctly, it will make your life easier and your business grow.