how long does it take to start loosing weight - 11 minutes read

How i lost 25 pounds in just 10 weeks without keto diet

how long does it take to start loosing weight

How long does it take to start losing weight? Many people are confused how to start weight loss journey and how long it takes to get good weight loss before and after.This article will guide you what people need to do first before you start counting how long it will take to loose weight, You will be amazed what basic things people overlook and why they don’t get results in time.

As a certified nutritionist I am here to go to straight point and give you 6 powerful and effective tips on how to start weight loss and see result fast in from 3 weeks on weight loss journey without hurting yourself.Though duration depends on efforts you put but I am going to give you what you need to do first so that you can see your self how long does it take to start losing weight.

With this, you can lose 25 kg weight fast. This is done without exercises or keto diet faster than expected over and over again in your weight loss journey. Follow this plant-based diet tips and you lose that weight for once for all finally for good so in today’s article. I’m sharing

with you guys what I did when I started my weight loss journey.Today the 5 things that I would do so if you are just getting into this vegan plant-based weight loss journey or if you’ve been vegan or plant-based for a while but the weight is not coming off and you’re not quite sure why then.

This is the article for you now as I mentioned. We used to run a program on people who always ask how long does it take to start losing weight and we have people losing upwards of 60 pounds and more, within some few weeks.

So I know a thing or two about weight loss and that is why I’m going to share with you of the steps that you can take today to get it going. If you want to see good results in 2 months, this is the best thing to do.

important fact to know before looking for time to lose weight :

Being vegetarian will not work for you

1. To know how long does it take to start losing weight, step number one the first thing that I advise to do is forget the word vegan and get it out of there. In fact I’m very hesitant to use the word vegan when I talk about my diet because vegan promotes the absence of animal products which means that things like Oreos and McDonald’s apple pie are Meighan and those are not healthy vegan.

As you know, healthy are not synonymous and even healthy and weight loss are not synonymous which means that vegan and weight-loss surely are not synonymous.

There are even things that look healthy like a vegan salad that you think would be healthy and promote weight loss but the reality is that that salad is drenched in oil . They also have roasted nuts on top and it’s actually a really fatty high-calorie meal that’s not going to turn your body into a fat burner.

So I say forget the word vegan even forget the word plant-based and just focus on whole real foods that don’t have ingredients and lists that don’t come from packages starches vegetables fruits and legumes you can do all of your shopping in the produce aisle on this lifestyle.

Yams can be your starch, sweet potatoes oh my goodness can be your starch too you can literally just shop in the produce aisle and be able to thrive on this diet focus on the Whole Foods. Get away from the whole vegan thing it’s going to lean you down to focus on processed foods and vegan restaurants which is usually vegan junk food.

So forget the word vegan and just focus on those whole plant foods.

This is what we recommend to loose weight fast without side effect

Be totally oil free

The second thing that I always advice to do is completely commit to how long does it take to start losing weight to being oil free now. I know what you’re thinking that I can just have a little bit of oil here a little bit of oil there it’s extra-virgin it’s coconut oil it’s healthy for you but the reality is that oil is not a health food and it will completely halt your weight loss and fat loss efforts .

oil is 4,000 calories per pound it is the most calorically dense food product on the planet this is in comparison to something like zucchini which is like 75 calories per pound. If you want to know how long does it take to start losing weight, run from oil as you start your weight loss journey. Believe me 4000 calories per pound that much.

Bananas which is what you should be eating instead of the oil.

one tablespoon of oil which people say oh I just use it, like the tiniest the littlest bit on my veggies just like a little bit to sauce them to get it going and they probably

pour a tablespoon in which is 120 calories and 14 grams of fat. You see that doing this, you will find it difficult to know how long does it take to start losing weight.

There is even a study done in which participants ate 800 calories per day I cannot even imagine that and they were in this major caloric deficit but they are consuming oil and what they found was at the oil that they are consuming even in this massive caloric deficit was being stored directly in their fat cells.

So, how will they measure how long does it take to start losing weight if they do that for 2 weeks?

so I would completely commit to being oil free if you are looking to burn that fat and it will be easier to rank how long does it take to start losing weight easily.

lose weight fast starting from now

Use recommended FDA approved weight loss supplement

Use medically proven effective weight loss supplement, yes, they work. I cant say this enough. Well formulated, wide use and most effective weight loss supplement will help you on how long does it take to start losing weight.

There are many there based on real user recommendations, side effects, and popularity. Our 2 picks of the year is lectoconnect (from and leptitox from (// that have been bought by many customers over and over. You must start now and immediately so that you can easily measure how long does it take to start losing weight your self after few weeks.

Stop calorie counting

To know how long does it take to start losing weight after starting your program? Then stop calorie counting. This is the fourth thing that I will advise you to stop to do.

On my program we do not count calories we don’t limit our portions it’s not how much we eat but what we eat and that is proven by successful people in the journey.

Successful people in this program that we work with they are eating as much food as they feel like not counting calories and losing massive amounts of weight calorie.

Counting does not work in the long term it works in the short-term but our body we can’t outrun our hunger and our body will retaliate and if we restrict ourselves to tiny amounts of calories yet we’ll lose weight in the short term but we are going to bounce back and probably bounce back more than we would have hoped for and end up gaining more weight.

When we started so calorie counting is not a great way lose weight and it actually sets you up for weight gain and you will likely have problem on how long does it take to start losing weight.

That’s one of the reasons many people find it difficult to measure how long does it take to start losing weight because of inconsistency. There were also studies done in which individuals would eat a plant-based diet with supplements at X amount of calories and a normal diet at X amount of calories.

They’re eating the same amount of calories but people in the plant based diet with supplement lost a ton more weight because the plant-based diet with supplement transforms our metabolism it turns us into fat burners.

There were even studies done that can compare the metabolisms of those eating plant-based diet versus those eating a standard American diet. Eating a plant-based diet with weight loss supplement like recommended lectoconnect (from and leptitox from (// increases your metabolism.

It rev up your metabolism, easily you will know how long does it take to start losing weight in reality. It really is not just calories and calories out on the overall calories do matter but if you are going to try to restrict your calories so that you can lose weight.

Yes, it’s going work in a short term but in the long term you’ll end up gaining weight past. And you will start asking again how long does it take to start losing weight.

where you even started it’s not how much you eat it really is what you eat as proven on the supplement link with people losing like 60 ponds without counting a single calorie but can count the pounds as you will soon see how long does it take to start losing weight and learn from those that they’re losing pretty well.

totally reduce rigorous exercise:

also see best weight loss supplement HERE

The fifth thing that I would advise you to do if you want to monitor how long does it take to start losing weight is to stop relying on exercise. when we exercise we tend to think that we’ve extra calories.

For example oh I went on the elliptical and the elliptical said that I burned 400 calories that means I can eat 400 extra calories today right? What ends up happening is people eat those extra 400 calories that they’ve earned.

But our body doesn’t work that way and that when we exercise and we burn 400 more calories, it means that we can eat 400 more calories because there was there’s been many studies done that show that those extra calories are not extra calories at all. We end up burning about the same amount of calories every day independent of the exercise that we do.

what does that mean? That means that even if we run 5 miles or if we just have a normal day in the life we’re going to burn probably the same amount of calories on both of those days which will be difficult on how long does it take to start losing weight to count well.

So you can see how this is an issue when people think oh I’ve burned 400 extra calories I can eat 400 more calories and they end up eating in a caloric surplus and end up gaining weight when they think that the exercise is going to help them lose more weight.

Beware of weight loss recipes

Sixth thing that I will suggest do is just keep it simple.

I would not go searching for all these recipes on Pinterest and freak out about all this stuff I would just buy a bunch of starches vegetables fruits and legumes.

You will get confused on how long does it take to start losing weight because you won’t know how to measure regularly. Then making it more complex when mix and match some meals from those you don’t need to go looking for crazy recipes during breakfast, lunch, dinner recipes snack recipes and saying I need to get all the ingredients.

No, all you got to do is go to the produce aisle buy your starch as your vegetables your fruits and legumes and then mix and match them. We call them kiss meals

because kiss stands for keep it simple stupid.

when you make a kiss meal you just mix and match whatever starches, vegetables, fruits and legumes used with weight loss supplement you have prepared for the week.

so let’s say you’ve prepped some rice for your starch for

your vegetables, you have some zucchini for your legumes you have some black beans you throw those altogether and put

some nutritional yeast on maybe some lemon juice honey and then you have an apple on the side BAM with our recommended supplements.

Easily you will start seeing results on how long does it take to start losing weight.

In conclusion, get that a-plus meal, keep it so simple, give break, bring it back to basics, be oil-free, focus on whole Foods with recommended supplements, stop calorie counting, and stop exercising while you’re at it and that pretty much sums it up. You will soon see how long does it take to start losing weight in due time depending on your efforts and how long you are ready.

With this, you can finally lose this weight for once and for all and measure how long you can loose weight easily.
