One day, as a small child, Thomas Edison came home from school and gave a paper to his mother.

He said to her, “Mom, my teacher gave this paper to me and told me only you are to read it. What does it say?”

Her eyes welled with tears as she read the letter out loud to her child…

“Your son is a genius. This school is too small for him and doesn't have good enough teachers to train him. Please teach him yourself.”

Many years after Edison’s mother had died, he became one of the greatest inventors of the century

Now for the mind-blowing part...

One day he was going through a closet and he found the folded letter that his old teacher wrote his mother that day.

He opened it…

The actual message written in the letter was: 

“Your son is Mentally Deficient. We cannot let him attend our school anymore. He is Expelled.”

Waves of emotion washed over him and tears rolled down his cheek as he read the letter to himself. That very day, he wrote down in his diary...

"Thomas A. Edison was a mentally deficient child whose mother turned him into the genius of the century.”

Listen, this true story is a perfect example that no teacher will ever care more about your child's education than you as a mother,

‘The most crucial thing we can do for our child is teaching them the joy of reading, at the earliest age possible

This is why reading the head start program is easily designed specifically for mothers like you, to quickly have your child reading better than all other children their age.

Even if they’re as young as 2, don't know their alphabet at all and currently show zero interest in reading whatsoever.

Proven Facts

At what age can you start teaching a child to read?

When they're babies? At 2 years old, 3, 4, or 5 years old, or wait until they're in school?

According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress,

If you delay your child's reading skill development until he or she enters school, you are putting your child at risk...

Did you know that 67% of all Grade 4 students cannot read at a proficient level!

Of that 67%, 33% read at just the BASIC level,

And 34% CANNOT even achieve reading abilities of the lowest basic level!

This program is a super simple and extremely effective system that will even teach 2 and 3-year-old children to read.

As a parent, I'm pretty sure this directly affects YOU. This review will show you a new video that reveals to you just how bad our children are reading their first few years in school and what you can do with your child right now to easily have them reading better than all other children their age

This even works for children as young as 2, with zero knowledge of the alphabet whatsoever.

Plus, you'll also see...

·      How to have them excel at reading early even if they currently show zero interest​

·      What NEVER to do if you want your child to succeed in school​

·      ​Why everything you've ever learned about reading yourself as a child is now dead wrong, and what your child should be doing instead

Here's the deal.

You can watch this video that helps you have your child reading better than children 2-4 years older than them by clicking here.

This is a unique reading program developed by a loving parent and English teacher of 14 years, who successfully taught all of her children to read before turning 3 years old.

The reading system she developed is so effective that by the time her daughter was just 4 years old, she was already reading at a grade 3 level.

Her reading system is called Reading Head Start, and it is nothing like the infomercials you see on TV, showing babies appearing to read, but who have only learned to memorize a few word shapes.

This is a program that will teach your child to effectively decode and read phonetically.

It will allow you to teach your child to read and help your child develop reading skills years ahead of similar aged children.

This is not a quick fix solution where you put your child in front of the TV or computer for hours and hope that your child learns to "read"... somehow...

This is a reading program that requires you, the parent, to be involved. But the results are absolutely amazing.

Thousands of parents have used Reading Head Start to successfully teach their children to read.

*All it takes is 10 to 15 minutes a day.

About The Author Of Reading Head Start.[Sarah Shepard]

Sarah Shepherd is an English teacher of 14 years, but more importantly, she is a wife and mother of three children. Sarah used one hidden secret to develop the Reading Head Start to help her own son who was struggling with reading. She has since been helping children around the world learn how to read quicker, more efficiently, and at an earlier age.

This is a Reading Head Start Review –

Click here to visit the Official Website for the Reading Head Start Program by Sarah Shepard.

What exactly is the Reading Head Start Program?

Education institutions don’t want you to know just how easy it is to get your child interested in reading. The Reading Head Start is a program developed by an actual educator; it is parent-approved, certified, and award-winning. Parents and teachers have dubbed Reading Head Start as one of the top, most effective, and child-approved learn-to-read programs available anywhere.


Reading Head Start is a Complete Curriculum of Guided Reading Lessons That Easily Transforms ANY Parent into Their Childs Favorite Teacher.

Hundreds of Lessons, Activities, Workbooks, Games, and Movies In An Ever Growing Member Section, Keeps Parents Coming Back Month After Month!

This Is A Product You Can Be Proud To Get Behind And Makes A Real Difference In Parents And Children's Lives.

How Reading Head Start Works

Reading Head Start is a simplified program to help your child or children learn how to read and read well. The program includes multiple resources to make learning how to read fun. Child-geared activities and digital worksheets encourage children between the ages of two and nine years old to get excited about reading. Even if your child barely knows the alphabet, they can learn from the Reading Head Start with the help of their parents. Parents get endless tools to teach your child and watch their minds expand. With ongoing work with the program, you will see your child quickly learn how to understand what they are reading.

Reading Head Start is a reading program designed explicitly for children aged 12 months to 9 years to give them a head start on reading (hence the name) or to help them catch up to and even surpass their peers.

What’s Included with Reading Head Start?

All lessons and worksheets are easy to access on the Reading Head Start online platform. This means that you can access the material via a computer, tablet, or even your Smartphone. The platform is user friendly and easy to navigate from, even for children!

In addition to the above, new activities and worksheets are added on a regular basis, so your child will never become bored and is always engaging in new material!

The learning program has been divided into four levels. On each level, you’ll receive different reading videos, exercises, interactive games, and workbooks.

As your child progresses and completes a level, he/she will be rewarded with a “Reading Head Start Certification” for each level.

With 40 weeks in total, children will always have something to look forward to, come their next interactive assignment. This well-designed structure is what guides parents, as they assist and support their children to develop core skills.

Additional learning material can be found when covering certain learning sections. One can expect to find:

  • Picture Cards
  • Letter Cards
  • Letter Formation
  • Sounds Out Cards
  • Irregular Word Cards
  • Advanced Phonics Cards

Techniques Found In The Reading Head Start Program

As I previously stated, the program has special techniques that can only be found within it and not elsewhere. These techniques consist of:

·      An enjoyable and positive approach to reading. –The learning process is made fun and captivating for your child.

·      Positive social interactions. – This helps in improving your child’s social skills with their peers and other people.

·      Linguistic Development and Communication skills. You learn how to improve your child’s language, vocabulary, and communication skills.

·      Psychological Fortitude. –This helps to boost your child’s self-esteem and confidence.

·      Optimal Neurological development. –This ensures that you are able to improve your child’s brain development process to optimum levels.

What You Learn From the Program

As a parent, whilst using the Reading Head Start program, you will learn:

  • How to ensure your child excels in his/her reading, even if they do not have an interest.
  • What to do and what not to do when engaging in this type of material – advice will be given on how you can still be involved in the teaching process with your child without affecting how they learn at school.
  • You will learn methods of reversing dyslexia – Methods have been proven.
  • You will learn about the bad learning practices of teachers and why they are so obsolete these days.
  • You will also learn on the importance of making sure your child is able to read at an early age and why reading to them on a regular basis is so important.
  • How to boost your child’s self-esteem and confidence. This ensures that your child will be able to have a feeling of self-worth throughout his or her lifetime.
  • How to improve your child’s pronunciation of words.
  • Positive social interactions. This helps in improving your child’s social skills with their peers and other people.
  • Linguistic Development and Communication skills. You learn how to improve your child’s language vocabulary and communication skills.
  • Optimal Neurological development. This ensures that you are able to improve your child’s brain development process to optimum levels.

Major Bonuses Included In The Reading Head Start

The Reading Head Start has helped more than 36,000 children successfully learn how to read and how to understand the words they are reading. The program provides everything parents need to get their children off to a promising start from an early age. (Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.)

Reading Head Start System…………………..$97.00

The program specifically designed to unlock reading skills in your child's brain, the Reading Head Start is broken up into four levels that make it super simple to help your child progressively learn to read, recognize words, and understand words.

·       Bonus #1: Lifetime Access to MyHeadStart Members Area (value: $197.00)………………….FREE!

Your purchase grants you and your child access to MyHeadStart.  MyHeadStart is the online platform where you and your child can access thousands of fun games and activities to help your child learn how to read. Fun reading videos engage your child briefly, and they can be watched any time you can fit in a little extra time for reading fun.

·       Bonus #2: Incredible Reading Shortcuts (value: $47.00)……………..FREE!

Included for free, the Incredible Reading Shortcuts book allows you to help your child unlock certain reading shortcuts in their mind that they already have available. Words will be unlocked in their mind for easier recollection to support them as they learn to read.

·       Bonus #3: "Fun With Words" Books Series (value: $67.00)…………..FREE!

The "Fun With Words" Books Series is a collection of books to introduce your child to the joy of reading books. Each book, which is entertaining and fun to read, gets progressively more advanced to read, so your child will be gaining new reading skills with every book they complete.

·       Bonus #4: Lifetime Updates (value: $97.00)…………………FREE!

Your purchase will get you lifetime updates to the Reading Head Start system so any new information is added automatically.

·       Bonus #5: Unlimited Email Support (value: $67.00)………………FREE!

You can reach out to us at any time through email for product support or if you have questions.

·       Bonus #6: 100% Money Back Guarantee

Your purchase is backed by 365-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

You have a full 365 days to try out our program. If you are not getting the result that you want, you can email us for a no-questions-asked, 100 percent full refund of the original purchase price. You get every penny back that you invested if you’re not completely satisfied with this program.

More items In the Package

After you acquire the program. There are components within the package that will guide you on the ways to ensure your child is able to read well. These components include:

1.   Access to the platform. – This contains the fun, interactive, exercises, and guidelines that you have to follow so as to get the results that you desire.

2.   Free bonuses. – These contain additional useful information that will help you ensure that your child is able to learn quickly at no extra cost.

These bonuses:

·       The Fun with Words book series. – These books are designed in a way that they are enjoyable to be read by your child.

·       Interactive reading games. – These are games that are found on the online platform that will help your child have fun as he or she reads.

·       Incredible Reading Shortcuts. – As the name suggests, they are shortcuts that simplify the learning process for your child.

Advantages Of The Reading Head Start

• The program offers a refund guarantee to you. You can claim a 100% refund for your money if you are not satisfied with how the program works.

• You get a trial offer. You can test the working of this program out within three days by just paying a small fee of one dollar.

• It is completely user-friendly. Since every individual has his or her own personal speed of understanding, your child can watch and read the guidelines at the pace at which he or she can understand well.

• It is safe. Unlike other programs of this sort, you do not have to subject your child to taking harmful supplements and remedies that make a promise to improve his or her understanding.

• It is easy to use. The guidelines are arranged in a step by step manner that makes it easy for any child to grasp whatever is taught.

• It is well detailed. The information that will help you educate your child is more than enough.

• It is affordable. It will only cost you 37 dollars to acquire this program. This price is significantly lower than the prices charged by tutors and other programs of this nature.

• There is proof that the program works. Clients who have used this program can confess about its working.

The Major Challenge

• It requires patience and commitment for you to get the results that you desire. You have to go through the teaching guidelines with your child each day for you to get the best results.

• It can only be found on the online platform hence it cannot be accessed by people without an internet connection

What people say[Testimonials]

Brenda S.

"Awesome method for summer bridge" - Got this for my kindergartner who is entering 1st grade next Fall. He already loves it and I'm sure he'll be well prepared for the added workload and increased expectations of his new teacher. *Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Luke C.

My 2-year-old son absolutely goes mental for Reading Head Star! He's actually choosing the member's area over television and its the first thing he wants to do when he wakes up after his nap. No word of a lie but I absolutely get why. If I was his age again, I'd love it too! I just wanted to send out my quick thanks! *Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Carol Ruby

Hey Sarah, thanks for getting back to me! Yes, Ellie has been doing fantastic with Reading Head Start. We just started level three on Tuesday and she's excited to get going. She loves your system so much that I'm not sure what to do next once she completes level four. You should keep making more levels lol. This has easily been the best investment I've made for Ellie to date and a bunch of my friends all picked it up for their children too. I'll keep you posted on her progress! *Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Samantha Williams

My son Jake ABSOLUTELY LOVES Reading Head Start!!! I've tried a few reading programs in the past and he's quickly lost interest in all of them. Reading Head Start has been so fantastic because you guys are always adding new content to engage him. He's constantly asking to log on and see what's new. Whats made all the difference is that you actually have made this as much about parents as you have the kids. You've shown me how to best teach my child and that's empowering to say the least! Now I REALLY CAN'T WAIT to send him off to school and get back that first report card! This has been a blessing to our family. *Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

Shelby F

Thanks for this! I bring these flashcards everywhere with me and whip them out anytime there is some downtime with my son.

Louis S

These are so easy to use on my phone and tablet! And because there always with me on my phone, I use them with my daughter daily.

Virginia Mason

My son began to struggle with reading when he transitioned from short children’s books to chapter books for kids. It was then that his teacher and I noticed that he was reading much slower than the other children; she recommended that I work with him after school, but I didn’t know where to start. Reading Head Start was the answer. My boy is reading so much faster now and feels confident when reading out loud in class. We’re both happy!

Carol Ingram

My twin boys have always been slow learners. Their pediatrician told me it was likely because they were born prematurely since they don’t have any obvious learning disabilities. They just needed to “catch up”, so to speak. Reading Head Start was recommended to me by a friend and we’ve had a great experience. The boys love learning along with my friend’s son and are competitive about reading now—in a good way.

John Padilla

My wife and I noticed our younger daughter wasn’t reaching reading milestones at the same rate her older sister did. We know every child is a unique individual, but after a while, it seemed like something was “off”. We chose Reading Head Start because we heard good things from other parents, and we are seeing our daughter thrive every day now.

Berta Ray

I really loved the way Reading Head Start attracts children. I have two daughters who started school a year ago. When I realized they were having difficulty in reading the simple rhymes, I tried the Reading Head Start program. They are not only improving at school, but they are always eager for the next lesson and love reading simple short stories in their free time. The decidable reader and the worksheets allowed me to ascertain the progress made by my daughters, and also understand where they need more help. I always try to give them small rewards for completing a worksheet correctly, and this encourages them to work harder.

Mavis Vaughan

This reading program consists of a full complement of reading lessons and resources to teach any child right through from basic phonics to reading and comprehension. The program is broken down into 4 phases. In these phases, your child will learn how to read by using worksheets, interactive games, and videos. When your child completes each stage, they receive a certificate to boost self-esteem and confidence. All you need to do is invest a minimum of 15 minutes a day, three days a week completing the lessons and worksheets with your child to get the results you want to see.


The Reading Head Start approach is one of the most well researched and highly successful reading strategies available for young kids. And it’s so crucial to get a head start on kids’ reading success at an early age. Not only does early reading success predict reading success at older ages… it predicts success across the board, in any subject. And it’s impossibly hard to catch up if reading is not mastered early.

Amelinda Anjali

I bought the book for my kids and I am now happy. They have acquired the kind of tips that are not anywhere else. What I love about Reading Head Start is that it incorporates a special reading altitude into the users.

Stacy Sagoo

I purchased Reading Head Start for my 3-year-old daughter last year.

Now, after one year, she is reading between 2nd and 4th-grade levels.

My daughter still loves it and I’m sure he’ll be well prepared for the added workload and increased expectations of her new teacher.

Obviously, we have been reading together through that time, but Reading Head Start was the right choice to teach her to sound out words and learn basic sight words.

And we all love the letter sounds song!


How Do You Access the Program After Purchase?

Once you have completed the checkout process, you are granted immediate access to our private member area where you can download the program, including all the bonus gifts, and can start right away to get the ball rolling. If your purchase includes a physical product, it will be delivered to your doorstep.

What Device Can Be Used to Read the Program?

You can access this program right from your mobile device, which means you can take the program with you anywhere you go. However, you can also access the program with your MAC or PC when you need to.

Is Your Credit Card/Billing Information Kept Private & Secure?

When you make a purchase, you can rest assured that your credit card and billing information is safe and secure. Your order will be processed by Click Sales Inc. (, a world-leading internet retailer, that utilizes 256-bit encryption algorithm and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) from trusted vendors like Verisign and Thawte to protect your private information.

Want To Give Your Child A Reading Head Start?

There is a reason why over 5 million families have already used this method — it works! With that in mind, your child’s newfound skill will be the greatest benefit they’ll experience and will significantly improve their confidence. In addition to the above, you will be able to spend quality time with one another, even if you’re a busy family!

All you need is 15 minutes a day, three days a week and you can get your child to love reading.

Do you have more than one child? No problem, there is unlimited access for everyone in your household! This means that everyone can get involved, with a money-back guarantee, for peace-of-mind.

This Award-winning and certified, Reading Head Start will eliminate the need for expensive tutors or developmental delays. And that in itself is worth the investment

Final Thoughts

Whether you want to start with the free trial or invest in lifetime access, there are numerous options available to suit any parent.

Time and time again, this program has been known for being one of the most effective, loved, and enjoyable reading system by children today and this has been supported by teachers all over the world.

Order Reading Head Start to unlock your child’s reading potential.

“The more your child will read, the more things he/she will come to know”