Bhujapidasana Steps Benefits and Precautions - 5 minutes read

Hello friends, welcome to Natural Health Tips. Today I will tell you about Bhujapidasana steps, benefits, and precautions. Friends, Bhujapidasana is known as the shoulder pressing pose. This asana is placed in the category of Advance level yoga. Before practicing this asana, you should have complete knowledge and practice of basic yoga. This yoga plays a major role in making you mentally strong. By doing this yoga, your shoulders become very strong. This asana increases the flexibility of your body and also increases your physical strength. Those people who want to lose weight but fail to do so must practice this yoga. You will get results very fast and you will be able to do fast weight loss. This yoga rapidly reduces the fat in your lower body like the lower abdomen and thigh. The biggest beauty of this asana is that it makes your body shape look very attractive. That's why you should add this pose to your daily routine from today itself. Now let's start today's post. HISTORY OF BHUJAPIDASANA – Friends, Shoulder Press Pose is an advanced-level yoga. In this yoga, we try to balance our body in the air above the hand. This asana is made up of a combination of two words. When we combine these two words, the Shoulder Press Pose is formed. Meaning - English Meaning - Shoulder Press Pose Sanskrit Meaning - Bhujapidasana Friends, you should do this pose with the help of a Yoga Instructor. Let us now start this asana. HOW TO START SHOULDER PRESS POSE – STEPS – 1) Friends, first of all, you have to sit on the mat by spreading your legs. 2) Your back should be straight and your legs should be absolutely straight. 3) Now you have to bend your legs slightly inwards from the knee and lock your left foot by moving it on top of the right foot. As shown in the image. 4) Now you have to press your palms on the ground. 5) Keep in mind that your forearms should be touching your inner thigh. 6) Now you have to lift your body in the air with the force of your palm and shoulder. 7) To lift your body in the air, you put the weight of your thigh above your elbow. 8) Concentrate your entire body weight through the elbow and body balancing. 9) In your final position, your upper body should be leaning forward and all your body weight should be on the elbow. 10) After staying in this position for some time, you have to leave this pose. FOLLOW UP POSES – BEGINNER TIPS – Friends, as I told you earlier, Shoulder Press Pose is an advanced-level yoga. Therefore, the person who has pain in the shoulder, palm, and back, should do this asana only after consulting a doctor. VARIATIONS – 1) Friends, this pose makes your shoulder flexible and strong. 2) This asana strengthens your palm and forearm. 3) This asana boosts your metabolism. 4) This asana helps in reducing the fat in your lower body. 5) This asana reduces the fat of your thigh and lower abdomen fast. 6) This asana improves blood circulation in your body. 7) This posture reduces your stomach problems like gas and indigestion. 8) This asana makes your body shape attractive. 9) This pose is helpful in reducing your stress and anxiety. 10) This asana also helps in reducing depression SHOULDER PRESS POSE PRECAUTIONS – 1) Friends, the patient with cervical and slipped disc should not do this pose. 2) The person who has shoulder pain and pain in the palm, the forearm should not do this pose. 3) Beginners should do this pose with the advice of a doctor. 4) Pregnant women should not do this asana. 5) Patients with high BP and migraines should not do this asana. BHUJAPIDASANA RELATED QUESTION AND ANSWER - Q1) WHAT IS THE IDEAL DURATION OF BHUJAPIDASANA? Ans - You should do this pose for at least 1 minute. Q2) WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF BHUJAPIDASANA? Ans - This pose helps in increasing the strength of your shoulders, arms, and biceps. Q3) WHICH PERSON SHOULD NOT DO BHUJAPIDASANA? Ans - The person who has pain in the shoulder and forearms should ignore this pose. Q4) SHOULD PREGNANT WOMEN DO THIS POSE? Ans- No, pregnant women should avoid this pose. Q5) IS THIS POSE INCREASE YOUR FLEXIBILITY AND STRENGTH? Ans - yes, this pose will increase your flexibility and strength. Q6) WHAT IS THE ENGLISH POSE OF BHUJAPIDASANA? Ans - This pose is called the shoulder-pressing pose in English FINAL WORDS ON BHUJAPIDASANA STEPS BENEFITS AND PRECAUTIONS – Friends, I hope you have liked today's post Bhujapidasana Steps Benefits and Precautions. Today I have told you about the shoulder press pose in detail. You have to follow all the instructions given by me properly. Today I have told you about the Steps, Benefits, Precautions, Variations, and Beginner Tips of bhujapidasana. Hope you got a lot of good information from today's article. Also, Read -