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How to connect Uniswap with the MetaMask Chrome extension?

Uniswap, as we all know, is a decentralized exchange that allows you to swap crypto tokens without the involvement of a third party. However, there is one pre-requisite to use the exchange i.e. to have access to an Ethereum-based crypto wallet. When we talk about such a wallet, without any doubt, the name "MetaMask" hits our mind at first. Hence, today, I will walk you through the complete guidelines that you need to follow for connecting the Uniswap exchange with the MetaMask Chrome extension.

But wait, the details given below are not specific to the MetaMask extension for Chrome but can also be applied to different web browser extensions of MetaMask. With that learned, it is now time to take a step ahead and learn more about the process. Shall we proceed now? Here we go...

Steps to connect MetaMask and Uniswap together 

Before starting this process, it is essential that you have already set up your wallet with MetaMask. If not, do check out the steps that we have explained below:

  1. The steps to set up MetaMask wallet: 

In case you have already set up your MetaMask wallet and looking forward only to getting your hands on the details to connect MetaMask with Uniswap, then you can skip to section (b) which is given after this section.

  1. Begin by installing the MetaMask Chrome extension on your browser
  2. Once it is added, set up your wallet by selecting the "Create new wallet" option on the main screen
  3. Now, accept and agree to the terms and conditions set by MetaMask
  4. After this, you need to set up an encryption password for the safety of this wallet
  5. Once that is done, you may choose the option to reveal the secret recovery phrase
  6. After backing up your wallet, it is all ready to use

Here comes the next step that you need to take. 

  1. The steps to connect: 

Now that you have installed and set up the MetaMask Chrome extension, you are eligible to connect your wallet with the Uniswap exchange. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Now, go to the official website of Uniswap exchange
  2. On the top-right corner, proceed by selecting the "Connect Wallet" menu
  3. After this, you need to choose from the given wallet (which in this case is MetaMask)
  4. Once done with that, you may probably need to fill in the wallet login credentials and the wallet would be connected

That's all folks. Now, all you need to do is start using the features of Uniswap wallet such as swapping of tokens, storage of crypto and NFT, and much more. To initiate a swap, all you need to do is choose the correct option from the "from" and "to" drop-down menus and then follow a few easy instructions that are given there.

Summing up the read: 

To sum it up, all we can say is that MetaMask proves to be one of the best Ethereum-based crypto wallets and it surely works best with Uniswap exchange. So, if you have some ETH or ERC-20 tokens with you, then you surely can swap them or add them to liquidity pools available on the Uniswap exchange. The instructions given above do not only work for MetaMask Chrome extension but for all other browser extensions of MetaMask.

I hope you got my points clear and are able to do what you came here looking forward to.