5 Best Supplements That Can Boost Your Healthy Life - 7 minutes read

Whether you’re looking to improve your overall health or tackle a specific nutrient deficiency, supplements can be a helpful tool. But, remember to always check with your doctor before taking a supplement.

The right supplements can help support a healthy metabolism, manage your risk for chronic diseases and improve energy levels. But, be careful to avoid certain combinations of supplements and medications that could cause side effects.

1. Omega-3 Fish Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to good health. They can improve your heart and brain function, lower inflammation, and boost immunity. But it's important to remember that the best way to get these fatty acids is from food.

Eating fatty fish (such as salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines and tuna) is the most effective way to get these nutrients into your body. The American Heart Association recommends eating at least two servings of fatty fish a week.

You can also take supplements that contain a combination of EPA and DHA fatty acids. These types of omega-3s are considered the most beneficial for cardiovascular health.

They can increase your HDL cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol) and decrease your LDL (the "bad") cholesterol, which may help protect you from a heart attack or stroke. They can also decrease triglycerides and help lower blood pressure. Fildena 200 Mg And Vidalista 40 Mg help to Men's Health.

If you have high triglycerides or have a history of heart disease, you might want to try taking fish oil. You can start by taking 400 to 500 milligrams of a combined EPA and DHA fish oil daily, says Keri Gans, a registered dietitian nutritionist and author of The Small Change Diet.

But talk to your doctor first to make sure it's safe for you. Some supplements are contaminated with unwanted ingredients such as mercury.

Fish oil supplements can also help reduce inflammation, especially in people with rheumatoid arthritis. Inflammation can cause pain and stiffness in the joints, which can make it difficult to move around. Research shows that fish oil can relieve these symptoms by improving lipid levels and reducing joint tenderness.

2. Zinc

Zinc is an essential nutrient that supports your immune system, wound healing and growth. It also helps you make proteins, DNA and enzymes. It acts as an antioxidant and can prevent metabolic syndrome.

The best way to boost your zinc intake is by including it in your diet and by taking a multivitamin supplement. However, people who follow vegan and vegetarian diets may not receive enough zinc due to a lack of meat or other foods high in it. Additionally, certain foods such as beans and grains can contain phytates that reduce your body’s ability to absorb zinc.

If you aren’t getting enough zinc from your diet or a multivitamin, talk to your doctor. You can get a prescription for a zinc supplement, and you should take it with other minerals to keep absorption rates up.

Research from 2018 shows that oral zinc slows the progression of age-related macular degeneration and vision loss, which can be a sign of a zinc deficiency. Zinc can also help heal wounds, and researchers are looking into whether it can help speed up recovery in people with diabetic foot ulcers.

Using zinc cream, ointment or paste topically can also protect your skin from infections and inflammatory conditions. It can help heal eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases.

Oral zinc supplements, taken soon after you begin to have cold symptoms, shorten your illness and may also improve your immunity. They can be used safely in the elderly, pregnant and nursing women. But it’s important to note that taking too much zinc can cause copper deficiency. So, make sure to stay under 40 milligrams per day and check with your doctor before taking a zinc supplement.

3. Vitamin C

One of the best known vitamins is Vitamin C (also referred to as ascorbic acid). This water-soluble antioxidant is needed for tissue growth, development and repair. It also protects cells from free radicals that are produced during normal body processes and in the presence of toxins and pollutants.

It also acts as an anti-aging nutrient by promoting the production of collagen in the skin, which improves wrinkles and wound healing. And it helps prevent cardiovascular disease.

Taking too much of this vitamin is not a good idea, however, since it can lead to kidney stones and stomach upset. Rather than megadoses, it’s recommended to take the optimum amount of this vitamin through diet and supplements.

This vitamin can be found in fruits and vegetables, especially citrus, strawberries, kiwifruit, red peppers and broccoli. It is also available as capsules, chewable tablets and powder that can be added to water.

The safe upper limit for vitamin C is 2,000 milligrams per day. People who need higher doses may require intravenous injections.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that can be absorbed from the digestive tract. Unlike fat-soluble vitamins, which are stored in the fat tissues of the body, excess vitamin C is excreted through the urine via the kidneys.

Getting the optimum amount of vitamin C through diet and supplements can help reduce certain risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure and low HDL (good) cholesterol levels. It also improves iron absorption, which is crucial for proper growth and development.

4. Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract is a powerful supplement that’s packed with antioxidants, plant compounds called catechins and caffeine. This combination of elements has been shown to boost the immune system, increase weight loss and improve skin health and performance, among other things.

It also has a range of effects on blood sugar. Studies show that it can help keep insulin levels in check when you have a high BMI or if you’re not getting enough sleep or exercise.

But it’s important to note that caffeine is a stimulant, so you’ll have to be careful about how much you take. You should avoid consuming more than 300 mg of caffeine per day, because it will build up a tolerance and significantly lessen its effectiveness.

Another potential issue with green tea extract is that it can lead to liver damage in some people. According to one study, postmenopausal women who took the supplement twice a day for a year had higher liver enzymes than controls.

The good news is that there haven’t been many serious side effects reported in healthy individuals. But if you’re concerned about liver health or if you have a history of toxic liver disease, consult your doctor before adding this supplement to your routine.

Zenwise’s Green Tea Extract is a good choice for those who are looking to get the most out of their supplements. They offer a generous one-year money-back guarantee, so you can try it risk-free!

5. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients for your health. It helps your bones grow and repair. It also boosts your immune system and protects against autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

It’s a fat-soluble vitamin that can be found naturally in fish oil, egg yolks and fatty fish like salmon. It can also be sourced from dietary supplements and fortified foods.

People who are deficient in vitamin D may have a variety of symptoms, including bone pain or weakness, muscle weakness and mood changes. If you notice these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Besides the sun, you can get vitamin D from fatty fish, fortified milk and dairy products and supplements. Ask your dietitian or your doctor to help you figure out what supplement might be best for you.

There are also some studies that show that taking vitamin D supplements can reduce the risk of developing diabetes. This is because it helps the body’s cells become more sensitive to insulin.

This means that the body will be able to respond more easily to glucose and lower the chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

It can also be helpful for people who already have diabetes because it helps regulate blood sugar levels and can halt the progression of the disease in some cases.

Vitamin D can be found in foods and supplements but if you’re deficient, it’s better to take a supplement than try to obtain it from food or sunlight. It’s a good idea to check the label of the products you buy to see if they are fortified with vitamin D.