Found in the Words 2020.10.04 - 2 minutes read
Getting Lost in a Picture and Found in the Words (cont.)The goal is making someone smile, think a little deeper and possibly make positive changes for their happiness intake. These photos are a share for you the reader, hope you enjoy.In the coming days I hope to find others who would share* (with appreciation and source connected) their photos. So submit them if you have a macro picture or mesmerizing style that you would like to share.Thank you in advance.The key held by the beak of the bird of death.The key to living a life well lived is to live it. Believe in your mission, your goals, your values. Don't follow the crowd, the road less traveled but filled with opportunities is far better.Travel with your head held high. Travel with life in front and your focus in the same place.Regret, forget it about.Sorrow there may be plenty at times but let it goFocus on gratitude and rise up with your life and your steps and move forward.Always move forward. Believe and Achieve.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Stay Safe.Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.Share kindness and share a smile!Embrace always, smile forever and share united.Victor V Yakinvictoryakin.com10 / 04 / 2020