How to get a council house quicker - 4 minutes read

How to Get a Council House Quicker

How to get a council house quicker? – Getting a council house is a long process and it can be frustrating to wait. However, there are some things you can do to speed up the process.

Your local council will give you priority based on their allocation scheme. This will decide how high or low you are on the waiting list.

Be flexible

Council housing is subsidized accommodation provided by local authorities and non-profit housing associations. They provide a cheaper and more secure alternative to private rented dwellings for over 5 million households in the UK.

The process of applying for a council home is usually quite complicated and you will be asked to give details of your circumstances. Your council will then use this information to decide if you are eligible to join the waiting list and what size property you should be offered.

Once you have been added to the waiting list you will be given a ‘banding’ which will indicate your priority for housing. However, you can still have a long wait even with high priority.

One way to speed up the process is to be flexible with your criteria for a house. For example, if you are hoping to get a four-bedroom house and are offered a two bed then accept the offer as it may be a more suitable option for your family.

Bid on properties

If you are on the waiting list for a council house, there are things you can do to move up the priority list. The first is to be flexible and accept what type of property is available.

You will also want to check your status regularly. If you have a change in circumstance, like a new job or more people joining your family, this could affect where you are on the list.

You can also try to get a house faster by bidding on properties. This is where you apply for a specific home that is advertised on your local council’s website or in the press. This can include single rooms, families, or disabled homes. You will need to check the criteria for each property as some are only suitable for certain people. Once you have been offered a property, you only have a short time to accept it before the council removes your name from the waiting list.

Check your position on the waiting list

If you want to be considered for a council house it’s important that your housing application is up to date. You can find out about your position on the waiting list by calling your local authority or visiting their website.

Some councils use a ‘choice-based letting’ system where you are offered a property depending on your housing needs and your priority band. You’ll need to decide how many bedrooms you want and which areas you are willing to move to. You can also make changes to your choices at any time, but these will affect your overall position on the waiting list.

When you have an interview with a member of staff, ideally before the hearing or at least on Monday afternoon, make sure that they are aware of any change to your circumstances that hasn’t been recorded on your housing application. Then they will be able to take that into account when they are reviewing your case or deciding whether to add you to the waiting list.

Keep your council up to date

Keeping the council up to date with any changes in your circumstances will help you get a council house quicker. This will include any change in your health, family circumstances, or income. It will also include any new children you may have. It will also be important to let the council know if you are at risk of domestic violence or fleeing a violent relationship.

Each local authority has a set of rules and will decide who gets offered housing based on the priority needs of people in their area. This is generally done using a system of bands or points.

Each council will have different rules as to who will be offered homes and how long they will wait on the list. However, there are ways you can make it faster to get a council house, such as being flexible and bidding on properties when they come up for rent. Each council will also have a set of criteria they will need you to prove before they will give you a house.

Read More – How to get a council house quicker