Health benefits and Precautions of laung ( Cloves ) In 2023 - 5 minutes read

Hello friends and welcome to Natural Health Tips. Today we will understand the health benefits and side effects of cloves, a Simple spice found in the home. laung is a flower bud Mainly found in Asia. People of Asia mainly use Indian cloves in their food. Clove is a spice whose color is brown and is mainly used in hot spices in the Indian kitchen. Its taste is pungent, it is used to enhance the taste of food. Friends, do you know Laung has many health benefits as well. If your tooth is in pain then you should chew a clove, it gives great relief to your teeth. By brushing with a paste made from cloves, your teeth never rot. Cloves are a very good Home Remedy for teeth. Friends, if you drink water made from Laung, then your weight loss happens very quickly. This is a herb found in every household, which you can use and enjoy many benefits. Let us now read the health benefits and precautions of laung in detail. HOW TO PREPARE CLOVE WATER FOR WEIGHT LOSS- Let me teach you how to make clove water so that you can easily lose weight. 1) First of all you have to take 10 whole cloves and put them in a glass. 2) Now you have to take half a teaspoon of turmeric and mix it with cloves in a glass. 3) You have to fill the glass with full water and let the laung soak all night. 4) The next morning you have to filter that water and boil it. 5) Now you have to sip and drink all the water. HOW TO EAT CLOVES FOR WEIGHT LOSS- Friends, now I will tell you how you should consume cloves so that you can easily lose weight. laung is a hot spice, so it should be consumed carefully, if you consume it more than necessary, it can harm you. According to my study, you should consume cloves in winter because like I told you this is a hot spice. If you want to take its good effect then you should consume it in the morning. You should take 1 laung daily in the morning, this will greatly benefit you. BENEFITS OF CLOVES - 1) A large amount of antioxidant compounds is found inside the clove, which is why it reduces wrinkles and slows down your aging process. 2) Vitamins, carbohydrates, and vitamin k are found in excess, making up for all these deficiencies in your body. 3) Clove has anti-bacterial properties which protect you from bacterial infection. 4) If you have problems with Arthritis , you should massage laung oil, which will help you a lot. 5) If you have throat pain or a sore throat, drink a cup of Boil clove water, it will help you a lot. 6) If you have a problem with vomiting, then you roast 2 cloves and grind them and mix them in honey. Lick it in the morning and evening, and you will get immediate benefits. 7) If you have pain in your teeth, then soak cotton in laung oil and apply it to the tooth where the pain is happening, it will be very relaxing. 8) If you have a headache, then mix a clove in the oil and let it remain for some time, then after some time massage the head with that oil, and the head pain will reduce. 9) If you have a bad smell in your mouth, then put a clove in your mouth, the smell will go away from your mouth. 10) Drinking clove water reduces your weight quickly. CLOVES SIDE EFFECTS- 1) You should not consume more cloves as it dilutes your blood, which increases the chances of bleeding. 2) A property is found in laung that reduces the sugar level in your blood. But consuming more reduces the sugar level very much. 3) Consuming excessive amounts of cloves increases the toxicity in your body, causing you to experience vomiting, throat swelling, and a sore throat. 4) Excessive use of laung can cause allergic reactions to your face or body. 5) It is believed that excessive intake of cloves causes problems in breathing. FINAL WORDS ON HEALTH BENEFITS AND PRECAUTIONS OF LAUNG- Friends, you must have liked today's article Health benefits and precautions of laung. Clove is a spice found in every kitchen in India, you must use it. It helps in erasing problems ranging from teeth problems to weight loss. In Ayurveda, it is counted in medicines, you should also benefit from it. Hope you liked today's post. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS RELATED TO CLOVES - Q1 ) WHAT IS THE HEALTH BENEFIT OF CLOVES? Ans - Cloves have such properties due to which you do not have the disease of Arthritis. Q2 ) WHAT ARE THE SIDE EFFECTS OF CLOVES? Ans- Cloves are hot in nature, due to which you may get allergic and itching. Q3 ) IS CLOVE GOOD FOR THE LUNGS? Ans - Yes, by consuming it your lungs are healthy. Q4) IS CLOVE HARMFUL TO HEALTH? Ans - If cloves are consumed in the right quantity, then it is beneficial for health. Q5) IS IT GOOD TO EAT CLOVES DAILY? Ans - Yes, you can consume it regularly. Consuming daily improves your digestion. Q6) SHOULD PREGNANT WOMEN CONSUME LAUNG? Ans - The effect of clove is hot, if pregnant women consume it, then it is not right for them. Q7) WHAT HAPPENS IF WE TAKE CLOVES DAILY? Ans - If you consume more cloves then it is not good for your health. That's why you should consume as many cloves as your body allows. Q8) WHAT IS THE DISADVANTAGE OF CLOVES? Ans - Eating more Cloves gives you seizures, liver damage, and fluid imbalances.