Padahastasana benefits and precautions|| Steps and Beginner tips - 5 minutes read

PADAHASTASANA BENEFITS AND PRECAUTIONS- We have already learned about 10 to 12 Yoga Mudras. All these come in Beginner Yoga. The yoga practice we will talk about today is advanced-level yoga. The name of this yoga practice is Padahastasana. This yoga will make you mentally strong and it is beneficial for your stomach and waist disease. In today's article, we will cover Padahastasana benefits and precautions, and steps. PADAHASTASANA- English Meaning - Hand under Foot Pose Hindi Meaning- पादहस्तासन It is made up of 3 words When we compose these three words it becomes a hand-under-foot pose. In this posture, we bend from the waistline and Try to touch our hand to the floor. In the meantime, we also tried to touch our heads to the knees. HOW TO DO PADHASTASANA (STEPS)- 2) 3) Steps- 1) First, stand straight, Maintain equal distance between the foot. Keep the spine straight and the shoulder should be in line with the legs. 2) Now take a deep breath and bend your upper body from the hipline. 3) touch your palms on the floor and stay here for some time. 4) When you feel comfortable then take a breath and move your head towards the knee. 5) Stay here for 10 seconds. Now breathe out and move your head away from your knees. 6) Do it 5 to 7 times. 7) for release, slowly lift your body upward and come back to tadasana. Follow-up Poses- 2) PADAHASTASANA BEGINNER TIPS- The first problem we face in performing Padahastasana is bending. The solution to this problem is to bend slowly and practice daily. The second main problem we face is touching our hands on the ground. There is also a cure for this, practice slowly and regularly. The third problem is getting the head to touch. For this, on the first day, you should bend the head lightly and then slowly increase the bending of the head. DURATION - The beginner should do it for at least 30 seconds Intermediate do for 30 to 60 seconds The expert should do it for more than 60 seconds In this posture, we bend half and put our hands on the knee. 2) HALF FORWARD FOLD HANDS-ON FLOOR - In this, we again bend half but this time we place our hand on the floor. 3) AERIAL PADAHASTASANA- We use a hammock to do padahastasana. PADAHASTASANA BENEFITS- 1) This yoga posture strengthens your Spine, back, shoulder, legs, and neck. 2) It also increases the flexibility and endurance of your muscles. 3) For students, it increases focus and helps to improve memory. 4) It improves the function of abdominal parts like the pancreas, liver, and intestine. 5) It also improves the brightness of the skin because as we bend blood flows toward our face. 6) This asana also helps in reducing the excess fat from our hips and waist. 7) This posture improves our digestion and cures diseases like gas and intestine problems. 8) Padahastasana is very beneficial for Diabetes patients and improves liver functions. 9) This asana increases physical and mental awareness. 10) By regular practice, A person never suffers from back pain, knee pain, and neck pain. PADAHASTASANA PRECAUTIONS- 1) This asana should be avoided by persons who have knee, back, and neck problems. 2) Hernia patients also avoid these poses. 3) During Practice Don't put extra pressure on your knees and spine. 4) Breathing during asana is mandatory. 5) Pregnant women should avoid this pose. 6) High blood pressure and heart patients take extra precautions when performing this pose. 7) If you have a headache and migraine problem then avoid this pose. 8) Patients with cervical spondylosis should avoid this pose. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS RELATED TO PADAHASTASANA - Q1) SHOULD PREGNANT WOMEN DO PADHASTASANA? Ans- No, this pose should be avoided by pregnant women. Q2) WHAT ARE THE 2 BENEFITS OF PADAHASTASANA? Ans - By doing Padhastasana, the fat of your lower body is reduced and your body becomes flexible. Q3) WHEN SHOULD WE NOT DO PADHASTASANA? Ans - If we have hip or back pain then in that case we should not do this posture. Q4) HOW DO I IMPROVE MY PADA HASTASANA? Ans- You can improve this pose through Consistency and hard work. Q5) HOW MANY TIMES SHOULD WE DO PADA HASTASANA? Ans - We should practice this pose 2 to 3 times and 5 to 6 times a day. Q6) IS PADHASTASANA GOOD FOR STUDENTS? Ans - Yes This Pose, Helps you to Improve your Concentration and Focus. Q7) WHAT IS THE ENGLISH OF PADAHASTASANA? Ans - This pose is known as the hand-to-foot pose in English. Q8) HOW TO DO PADAHASTASANA PROPERLY? Ans - You can perform Padahastasana well by following the method mentioned above. THE FINAL WORD ON PADAHASTASANA BENEFITS AND PRECAUTIONS- Padahastasana is the yoga of the advanced level. This yoga has many benefits. This yoga gives many benefits to your body. This yoga strengthens all the muscles of our body and also improves our endurance. This pose is a panacea for the neck, waist, hips, and spine. This asana is very beneficial for diabetes patients, and heart patients. In today's article, we have read about Padahastasana benefits and precautions.