Starting An Internet Business - 2 minutes read

The following action plan is designed to help you start an internet business in no time at all. So, follow along very carefully and pay close attention...this is ALL you need to know to be able to start a successful online business quickly.

Step 1:

Choose the niche that your internet business will be focused on. The most important part of this process is to not be vague. It will be hard to have a successful online business e.g. about golf in general.

Instead...choose a more targeted "buyers" niche in the golf genre...something like Improving Your Golf Swing. The competition will be less and you will be able to attract buyers instead of browsers.

Step 2:

Create your site. I'm not gonna go into too much detail because this is one of the least important long as you have what you're promising your visitors/leads then your site will work.

I do have a few suggestions though...when creating your lead funnel, I suggest including affiliate products (or products of your own if you have some) on your "thank you for subscribing" page and even the pages that include your bribe or opt-in gift. This has actually generating a good amount of money for me.

Step 3:

Build your lead generation system. This is by far the single most important aspect of having a successful online business. Without leads, you have no one to promote to. You need to build lead generating system that will bring in a steady flow of consistent traffic. So steady that you know exactly how many visitors per month you WILL get.

Step 4:

Once your leads start coming in, be sure you're always testing every piece of your system. Use Google Optimizer on your squeeze pages, thank you pages etc. Test different headlines, different colors, different opt-in buttons...anything that could potentially increase your conversion rates.

This step also includes the follow up to your subscriber list. Ideally, you will want to setup an autoresponder that includes 10-15 follow-up messages providing more information and even some affiliate offers for products you've bought and to recommend.