Bleeding Gums Treatment - 2 minutes read

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Tips on Stopping Gums Bleeding

You may or may not have heard of periodontal gum disease. The main symptom is bleeding gums, also known as gingivitis. It is a major problem among adults and one which consistently slips under the radar until the symptoms have become more serious and medical care is needed in order to sort the problem out.

Bleeding gums are the primary effect of gum disease, over 50% of adults over the age of thirty-five suffer from at least some form of gum disease. The reason for this is that most of the developing symptoms are usually painless, so spotting the symptoms early on is important.

Common signs and symptoms of periodontal gum disease are as follows.

Constant bad breath

Receding gums

Drooping areas of the gum line

Slightly swollen or puffy gums

Reddened gums

Bleeding gums after brushing

Foul tastes in the mouth even after brushing

Obviously, the number one prevention and cure to gum disease is actually brushing your teeth regularly, twice a day and avoiding sugary snacks in-between times when you do brush your teeth. Folic acid tablets are said to help alleviate bleeding gums. Flossing in between teeth gently is another powerful deterrent to the build-up of plaque around the gum line. Initial flossing will cause some bleeding if your teeth have been neglected but after a few weeks of regular practice, the bleeding should stop. Another not quite so well known tip for stopping bleeding gums is to press a dampened tea bag onto the affected area, the tannin in the tea is said to stop bleeding.

Of course, all of these treatments to stop bleeding gums are not enough on their own; you should see a health care specialist for a proper diagnosis.

To read more about gum disease treatment WATCH VIDEO.

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